Water Safety Tips
Drowning is Preventable. Over 400 Canadians die in preventable water-related incidents annually. Even one drowning is one too many.
Watch Me, Not Your Phone. Always actively supervise children around the water - distractions are deadly.
Be Boat Smart - Wear a Lifejacket. Choose It. Use It. Always wear a lifejacket when in a boat.
Learn to Swim - Swimming is a lifesaving skill. Lessons are available for all ages, including adults.
Learn more about swimming lessons.
Swim With a Buddy. Take a buddy and look out for each other, it's what friends do.
Know Your Limits. Stay sober when in, on or around the water.
Be Water Smart All Year Round. You can save a life - yours and someone else’s.
Swimming Lessons
The City of Brampton offers quality swimming lessons that help participants develop water safety skills that last a lifetime. Programs are available for all ages, including adults.
Learn more about swimming lessons.
Free Swim Assessments
Swim assessments are designed for participants that are unsure of which swimming level they should register in. A certified swim instructor will take the participant through a series of in-water skills and provide details on what swim level the participant should register in. Request a swim assessment with one of our customer service representatives at any public drop-in swim.
How To Properly Fit a Life Jacket
A properly fitted life jacket can save your life. Wear a life jacket around pools or bodies of water to help keep you safe. Watch this video and learn how to properly fit and wear a life jacket.
Brampton Lifesaving Club
Brampton Lifesaving Club introduces athletes to the skills of lifesaving sport, while encouraging healthy living and regular physical fitness. The Brampton Lifesaving Club is open to youth aged 7 – 16.
Become a Lifeguard or Instructor
View more information about the path to
becoming a lifeguard or swim instructor, certification programs and employment opportunities with the City of Brampton.
Stormwater Pond Safety
Stormwater ponds are large bodies of water that collect and hold water runoff and snowmelt from nearby homes, roads, driveways, parking lots. These bodies of water are unsafe for any recreational activities like swimming or skating. Remember to stay on designated trails when walking near the pond and keep children and pets off the shoreline and out of the water.
Learn more about stormwater ponds in Brampton.
Additional Resources
Visit the
Lifesaving Society website to view additional water safety resources and download fun child-friendly activities.
Click the image below and download a printable Water Safety Week infographic: