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Chinguacousy Wellness Centre

Reviewed: 03/07/23


Renovations have been completed, bringing significant upgrades to the men's and women's fitness change rooms, as well as the aquatics family change room. Enhancements included new lockers, partitions, and updated mechanical and plumbing systems. The walking track was  fully resurfaced, and energy-efficient boilers were installed to improve pool operations. On the exterior, building envelope repairs, parking lot improvements, lighting upgradesand sidewalk repairs have been completed, enhancing accessibility and safety for all visitors. Originally scheduled for completion in 2020, renovations were delayed due to COVID-19 work stoppages throughout 2020-21. Additionally, the Chinguacousy Wellness Centre served as a COVID-19 vaccination clinic from January 11 to May 14, 2021, further postponing the project. The facility has now been fully renovated and open for registered and drop-in programming. The fieldhouse reopened on October 3, 2022, and the swimming pool, shortly afterwards in early Winter 2022.​

  • Q3 2021: Construction underway 
  • Q4 2022: Centre will reopen for drop-in and registered programming 
  • Q1 2023: Swimming pool reopening​

Renovation FAQs

  • Enhancements to the men’s and women’s fitness change rooms, including an entirely renovated change room with an increased number of washroom fixtures, urinals, sinks and showers, bathing suit spinners, vanity areas, new lockers, information monitors, and improved access control from the fitness change rooms to the pool. 
  • A complete renovation of the pool family change room area, including partitions, floor, mechanical alteration, and plumbing.
  • Replacement of the existing pool boilers with new energy efficient boilers. 
  • Selected building repairs, including siding repairs, complete re-caulking of all openings, and masonry repairs. 
  • Exterior work includes selective asphalt replacement, LED site lighting upgrades, grading adjustments on the east side of the building and selective concrete sidewalk repairs.​​

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Site Location:

995 Peter Robertson Blvd


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