Environment and Climate Change Programs and Initiatives Environment and Climate ChangeSection Menu In this section Environment and Climate ChangeEnvironmental Master Plan Documents and ReportsGrow Green Action PlanOur Performance Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Community Task ForceBuilders and DevelopersBusinesses and IndustryResources and ReportsIndustrial SectorNGOs, Non-Profits, and InstitutionsFrequently Asked QuestionsResidents Brampton Eco Park Strategy What is Brampton Eco Park?Get InvolvedJefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield ParksEastbourne ParkNorton Place Park Grass and Weed Cutting By-law UpdateNatural Gardens, Boulevard Gardens and EncroachmentsDon't Mow, Let It GrowClimate Ready BramptonGet InvolvedGrow Green NetworkConserving Energy at HomeBattery Recycling Centre for Community Energy Transformation Frequently Asked QuestionsMeetings and EventsReports and ResourcesAdvisory Task Force Plans and StrategiesPrograms and InitiativesCurrently selectedProtecting Natural Heritage SystemsGrow Green Awards Awards WinnersAwards CategoriesRecognition Program Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement ProjectCECDMPRecent Page ContentThe City of Brampton has a wide range of current programs and initiatives that support that goals and targets of the Brampton Grow Green Environmental Master Plan, and illustrate leadership in environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Adopt-a-Park Program Advance Brampton Fund (Green City Stream) Backyard Garden Program Brampton One Million Trees Program Brampton Transit iRide Program Cleanup Program Community Gardens Program Don’t Mow Let it Grow Initiative Electric Bus Pilot Program Greenland Securement Program Grow Green Network Lighthouse Program Natural Heritage Restoration Program Naturalization Program Our Ecosystem, Our Home, Our Responsibility Campaign Parks Environmental Education Program Stormwater Charge Sustainable Neighbourhoods Action Program Sustainability Metrics for New Developments Valleyland and Parks Naturalization Program The Canvas of Environmental Initiatives is a list of plans, programs, and initiatives at the City, Region, and local Conservation Authorities (TRCA, CVC) that contribute toward a more sustainable Brampton.