Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Businesses and Industry Community Energy and Emissions Reduction PlanSection Menu In this section Environment and Climate ChangeEnvironmental Master Plan Documents and ReportsGrow Green Action PlanOur Performance Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Community Task ForceBuilders and DevelopersBusinesses and IndustryCurrently selectedResources and ReportsIndustrial SectorNGOs, Non-Profits, and InstitutionsFrequently Asked QuestionsResidents Brampton Eco Park Strategy What is Brampton Eco Park?Get InvolvedJefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield ParksEastbourne ParkNorton Place Park Grass and Weed Cutting By-law UpdateNatural Gardens, Boulevard Gardens and EncroachmentsDon't Mow, Let It GrowClimate Ready BramptonGet InvolvedGrow Green NetworkConserving Energy at HomeBattery Recycling Centre for Community Energy Transformation Frequently Asked QuestionsMeetings and EventsReports and ResourcesAdvisory Task Force Plans and StrategiesPrograms and InitiativesProtecting Natural Heritage SystemsGrow Green Awards Awards WinnersAwards CategoriesRecognition Program Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement ProjectCECDMPRecent Page Content Many businesses have taken actions to reduce their energy consumption and GHG emissions for a variety of reasons, (e.g. consumer interest, high and volatile energy prices, and brand image/public relations). Some of the biggest opportunities to be realized in this energy transition is in Brampton's business sector. Achieving Brampton’s Community Energy and Emission Reduction Goals and opportunities will be a collective effort from all sectors. Information for the Industrial Sector can be found here. CEERP Benefits to Businesses Lower Energy Costs and Expenses Attract Talent, Investment and Customers Increase Community and Economic Resiliency More Competitive Products and Services How Can I Help? Work with suppliers to reduced embedded emissions in products Adopt circular economy business models Build Net Zero buildings and increase energy efficiency in buildings through energy retrofits Use energy efficiency appliances and electronics such as Energy Star certified products Install smart systems into buildings Use and offer reusable or low emission products, materials, and services to customers Educate consumers on how they can reduce their carbon footprint through product labelling and tips Provide internal programs that encourage employees to adopt energy and carbon reducing practices such as access to bike racks and showers, carpooling incentives, subsidizing transit costs, and turning off office lights Share best practices and successes with other businesses Join Partners in Project Green Opportunities Energy Rebates, Financing and Opportunities Interested in collaborating on energy efficiency and emissions reduction projects within Brampton? Contact Additional Resources Energy Resources NRCAN - Energy Star in the Workplace Tips and Tricks for Smart Business (coming soon) Partners in Project Green