Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Builders, Developers, and Trades Community Energy and Emissions Reduction PlanSection Menu In this section Environment and Climate ChangeEnvironmental Master Plan Documents and ReportsGrow Green Action PlanOur Performance Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Community Task ForceBuilders and DevelopersCurrently selectedBusinesses and IndustryResources and ReportsIndustrial SectorNGOs, Non-Profits, and InstitutionsFrequently Asked QuestionsResidents Brampton Eco Park Strategy What is Brampton Eco Park?Get InvolvedJefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield ParksEastbourne ParkNorton Place Park Grass and Weed Cutting By-law UpdateNatural Gardens, Boulevard Gardens and EncroachmentsDon't Mow, Let It GrowClimate Ready BramptonGet InvolvedGrow Green NetworkConserving Energy at HomeBattery Recycling Centre for Community Energy Transformation Frequently Asked QuestionsMeetings and EventsReports and ResourcesAdvisory Task Force Plans and StrategiesPrograms and InitiativesProtecting Natural Heritage SystemsGrow Green Awards Awards WinnersAwards CategoriesRecognition Program Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement ProjectCECDMPRecent Page Content Buildings are one of Brampton’s biggest users of energy and account for about a quarter of Brampton’s total emissions. Additionally, how we plan and build our communities plays a significant role in how individuals use energy such as their transportation choices, which currently accounts for over 50% of Brampton's GHG emissions. This makes builders, contractors, and developers one of the biggest partners in achieving our CEERP emissions and energy goals, as well as a sector well placed to significantly benefit from Brampton's energy transition. The demand for high-energy performance systems and communities is growing fast across North America. The CEERP Green Communities targets calls for building Near Net Zero communities, which will require all new buildings to be Net Zero. Additionally, CEERP’s Home and Building targets calls for 80% of Brampton homes and 60% of commercial and institutional buildings to be retrofitted to increase energy performance by 2040. Acceleration in skills and capacity will be required within this sector. Construction, trades, and the development industry will all need to have a strong leadership presence to achieve the CEERP goals. CEERP Benefits to Builders, Development and Allies Increase in Demand Attract Talent Increase Resiliency Managing Long and Short Term Risk How Can You Help? Upgrade training and skills to include energy efficient construction and practices to deliver high-energy building performance renovations and construction of new nearly net zero buildings Commit to building near net zero communities and buildings Build high energy performance buildings such as net zero or passive house Install smart technologies and energy efficient appliances such as Energy Star approved products Reduce embedded emissions of products by working with suppliers to help reduce GHG emissions in the product’s manufacturing and support as well as from transportation and logistics Use and offer reusable or low emission products, materials, and services to customers Educate clients by offering energy efficient alternatives and tips, as well as notify them of local rebates available for home and buildings Opportunities Energy Rebates, Financing and Opportunities Interested in collaborating on energy efficiency and emissions reduction projects within Brampton? Contact Additional Resources NRCAN - Energy Star in the Workplace