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Frequently Asked Questions

Once established, the CCET will be in a position to initiate work on CEERP Community Priority Projects, including:

  • Develop and implement community-based engagement program with targeted outreach, by priority project
  • Development and implement Home Retrofit Program
  • Develop a District Energy Strategy
  • Develop a Business and Industry Efficiency Strategy

Based on recommendations in the CEERP action plan and gaps in the City’s resources, the CCET is proposed to focus on implementing the community-based actions in a phased manner, specifically projects related to:

  • Improving home energy efficiency in existing homes.
  • Improving building energy efficiency in existing businesses.
  • Establishing district energy in urban and town centres.
  • Identifying potential low carbon energy sources.
  • Improving industrial energy efficiency.
  • Community outreach related to community energy planning.

The CCET will support our energy transition by:
• Planning, coordinating and deliverying select priority projects of identified in the Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan.
• Advocating for energy investment.
• Securing funding opportunities from the private and public sector.
• Communicating and engaging with stakeholders regularly.
• Being a community hub for energy excellence.

The CCET will help:
• Coordinate action to catalyze the energy transformation in Brampton.
• Facilitate measurable GHG reductions and traceable results.
• Create green jobs.
• Foster partnerships between governments and other organizations.
• Align local energy efficiency and GHG reduction efforts.
• Deliver community engagement and education.
• Inspire other communities to act.
• Showcase ongoing work.

The Centre for Community Energy Transformation aims to:
• Be a non-profit community organization.
• Focus on becoming a centre of excellence in energy.
• Support Brampton in meeting its climate change targets
• Facilitate community actions to accelerate Brampton’s energy transformation.
• Collaborate with businesses, developers, utilities, governments, institutions, non-profits, and homeowners.
• Develop and deliver energy transformation projects.

Establishing the CCET will evolve over the short, medium, and long-term. It is estimated that it will take at least 18 months to set up a functioning CCET following its endorsement by Council, which occurred on September 30, 2020.  A key aspect of successfully establishing the CCET will be obtaining funding resources for the organization’s operation.