Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Residents Community Energy and Emissions Reduction PlanSection Menu In this section Environment and Climate ChangeEnvironmental Master Plan Documents and ReportsGrow Green Action PlanOur Performance Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan Community Task ForceBuilders and DevelopersBusinesses and IndustryResources and ReportsIndustrial SectorNGOs, Non-Profits, and InstitutionsFrequently Asked QuestionsResidentsCurrently selected Brampton Eco Park Strategy What is Brampton Eco Park?Get InvolvedJefferson, Jordan, and Jayfield ParksEastbourne ParkNorton Place Park Grass and Weed Cutting By-law UpdateNatural Gardens, Boulevard Gardens and EncroachmentsDon't Mow, Let It GrowClimate Ready BramptonGet InvolvedGrow Green NetworkConserving Energy at HomeBattery Recycling Centre for Community Energy Transformation Frequently Asked QuestionsMeetings and EventsReports and ResourcesAdvisory Task Force Plans and StrategiesPrograms and InitiativesProtecting Natural Heritage SystemsGrow Green Awards Awards WinnersAwards CategoriesRecognition Program Etobicoke Creek Wetlands Enhancement ProjectCECDMPRecent Page Content Brampton residents play a critical role in improving Brampton’s energy efficiency and reducing overall GHG emissions. Transportation accounts for 60% of Brampton's GHG emissions and energy costs and homes and building account for around 20%. Many of the changes needed to meet our Community Energy and Emission Reduction Goals rely on the everyday decisions made by residents. To achieve success, changes in our daily habits and everyday decisions needs to be championed and implemented. CEERP Benefits to Residents Lower Energy Costs Protecting Your Family's Future Cleaner Air Better Homes and CommunitiesHow Can I Help? Transportation: Change your transportation habits: walk, cycle, transit or carpool to work and for daily errands.Invest in fuel efficient, low carbon or electric vehicles HomePurchase energy efficient appliances such as those certified with Energy Star Arrange for your EnerGuide Home EvaluationUndertake home energy retrofitsMake smart decisions: unplug unused electronics, hang your laundry to dry, grow your own food or buy local etc.. Buy local and “green” products and support environmentally sustainable businesses Get involved in your community: join a local environmental organization, plant trees and native gardens, adopt a park, organize or participate a green event, and celebrate and support the actions of leaders who strive to address climate change.OpportunitiesEnergy Rebates, Financing and Opportunities For Transportation Federal Rebate for Electric Vehicles Peel Affordable Transit Program Enbridge Home Efficiency Savings and Rebates Alectra Utilities Offers and Rebates Ontario Home Assistance ProgramAdditional ResourcesEnergy Resources Arrange for your EnerGuide Home Evaluation Canada Greener Homes GrantMaking Smart Energy decisions: Everyday actions to reduce your emissions and energy use (coming soon) NRCAN - Energy Efficiency for Homes Save on Energy – Energy saving advice, tips & resources for Ontario Homes