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What does this youth friendly designation mean for your organization?

This is a community application and submission process. A broad spectrum of Brampton organizations’ contributions to the application, in achieving this designation, are important. It’s imperative to get youth, service partners and the general public involved with the application process.

For more information about the Play Works Partnership ‘Youth Friendly Communities’ Program, please visit here.

What are the benefits?

Being designated as a platinum Youth Friendly Community signals Brampton’s ongoing support of and commitment to the youth in community, including:

  • The attraction of families by providing the kind of programs and services for their teenagers that say: “Brampton appreciates and supports young people in the community.”
  • Avoiding the migration of young people to other communities by encouraging youth to guide the future of their own community.

Enhancement of organizational services.

  • The complied documentation of Brampton’s Youth Friendly Communities application will illustrate a variety of available activities, programs, services, projects and initiatives.
  • The process of applying also helps to identify possible gaps in youth services (specifically for ages 13 to 19 years), as well as opportunities to become more youth friendly. The city commits to building extensive and long-term networks between co-applicants and Brampton’s youth.

Provincial recognition for all co-applicant organizations and individuals.

  • The Youth Friendly Communities Designation Program acknowledges communities that are investing in youth play. With a Youth Friendly designation, Brampton will receive recognition through multiple channels:
    • Formal presentation of the Youth Friendly Community status at a bronze, silver, gold or platinum level at a distinguished event to which those who assisted with the community application are invited.
    • Communication to all municipalities in Ontario.
    • A news release to Ontario media.
    • Listing as a Youth Friendly Community on the Play Works website.
    • As a mentor to other communities wishing to become Youth Friendly.

Enhancement of partnerships and collaborations between the lead applicant (the city) and community co-applicant organizations investing in the needs of youth.

  • Co-applicant organizations and individuals involved with the application submission process will be recognized, with the City, with a successful designation.

Being designated Youth Friendly enables Brampton to promote the designation by using the logo or resource materials, such as flyers, brochures, posters, websites and social media, as well as on community billboards and signage.

Youth friendly community criteria

A community that meets a minimum of 7 of the following 10 criteria will be recognized as ‘Youth Friendly’, (bronze, silver, gold or platinum designations are awarded based on the number of criteria met).


  • Criteria 1: Youth have options for play.
  • Criteria 2: Youth are formally connected community-wide.
  • Criteria 3: It is easy for youth to find information about play activities in the community.
  • Criteria 4: The community recognizes and celebrates youth.
  • Criteria 5: The community formally commits funding for youth play.
  • Criteria 6: The community supports Positive Youth Development.
  • Criteria 7: Youth feel valued by their community.
  • Criteria 8: Schools and school boards support the Youth Friendly approach.
  • Criteria 9: Play is accessible to youth.
  • Criteria 10: Play is socially inclusive.

Each criteria links to at least one of the themes and outcomes of “Stepping Up”, the Ontario governments’ strategic framework to help Ontario’s youth succeed. A community must meet Criteria 2 to be recognized as a gold or platinum Youth Friendly Community.

A community meets this criterion through services, programs and support provided by local government (parks and recreation departments), health, police services, education, clubs, youth agencies, non-profit and charitable organizations, service clubs, local businesses, the faith community, and any other groups operating that offer ‘play’ (as defined in Criteria 1).

Requirements to apply

  • Only one application per community can be submitted. The municipality traditionally takes on the ‘lead-applicant’ role, while local organizations and youth take on ‘co-applicant’ roles.
  • Only those Organizations that provide programs and services for Brampton youth, 13 to 19 years, can participate in the application process.
  • Only Brampton youth, 13 to 19 years, can provide feedback, input and/or testimonials during the application process.

An example of a completed application can be viewed here.

How to apply/next steps

Organizations and youth can contact lead-applicant, the City of Brampton, directly at:

For more information about the Play Works Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program: Youth Friendly Play Works Partnership

For more information about the “Ontario Stepping Up Framework” Document: Ontario Stepping Up Framework