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Residential Rental Licensing Pilot Program

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Brampton’s two-year Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program in Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 requires rental properties with four or fewer units to obtain a business licence. These central wards were selected due to historically high rental violations.

The program aims to protect the health, safety and human rights of residents while preserving neighborhood integrity. To address potential risks in rental housing, the RRL program introduces enforcement mechanisms for handling complaints and proactive measures for prevention. Its goals include maintaining neighborhood character, upholding property standards bylaws, and ensuring the safety of individuals and families through Ontario Fire Code enforcement.

Launched in January 2024, the pilot will be evaluated over the two years to inform future decisions.

​​Residential Rental Licence Online Application​​​​​

Who is required to get a Residential Rental Licence?

Owners and operators of rental properties that:

  • are located in wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7
  • are renting four (4) or less units
  • are dwelling units used or intended to be used for a Rental Housing Unit. This includes additional residential units​​ and single housekeeping units​​​​

Licenc​es issued during the pilot program period are valid for the duration of the pilot period, to December 31, 2025.

Examples of Permitted & Non-Permitted Units

Permitted - Principal residence, plus one Additional Residential Units (ARUs) attached to the principal residence and garden suite (detached ARU) with no shared space between the three units.​
Picture of house

Permitted - Principal residence, plus two Additional Residential Units (ARUs) attached to the principal residence with no shared space between the three units.
Picture of house 

Max. three (3) Additional Residential Units (ARUs) permitted. Four (4) ARUs not permitted - principal residence, plus three Additional Residential Units (ARUs) attached to the principal residence or three (3) ARUs attached to the principal residence, plus a detached ARU (garden suite).
Picture of house 

Permitted use - Single housekeeping unit with four bedrooms being rented and shared common space.
Picture of house 

Application Requirements:

The application process includes the following components:

  • Fillable Application Form: Property owners must complete a fillable application form​. This form collects essential information, including property owner details, an acknowledgment of adherence to the pilot program and consent for inspections. Upon successful completion of the application submission an email is sent to the applicant confirming receipt of the application and processing time.
  • Rental Unit Information (Form A): Property owners are encouraged to provide details about their rental units, including sleeping areas, kitchens, bathrooms and other relevant information.
  • Property Owner Authorization and Declaration (Form B): This form ensures that property owners authorize the application and declare their commitment to program compliance.
  • Insurance Declaration (Form C): Property owners must submit proof of insurance coverage for their rental properties.
  • Fee: The City of Brampton has waived the licence application fee for the remainder of 2025. Landlords who apply for a licence during this period will not be required to pay the standard $300 application fee. This fee waiver streamlines the process for landlords while ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

*Due to large nu​​mber of applications, it can take up to 20 business days for your application to be reviewed.

Ensuring Safe and Compliant Rentals

Enforcement and By-law Services and other City departments will work together to conduct intelligence-led inspections to ensure non-compliant rental units are brought into compliance with City By-laws and that licensed units are in compliance with the Landlord Code of Conduct and minimum maintenance conditions.

The fines for failing to comply with the Residential Rental License By-law are as follows:

  • First Offence - $600
  • Second Offence - $900
  • Subsequent Offence - $1,200​

For more information about minimum maintenance conditions please refer to the Maintenance and Safety checklist.​​

Free Smoke Alarm

The City is dedicated to upholding safety standards and Fire Code regulations, which include the installation and maintenance of working smoke alarms. During the fee waiver period, residents who apply for and receive a rental licence can receive a free battery-operated smoke alarm. The smoke alarm can be picked up at Brampton Fire & Emergency Services Headquarters (425 Chrysler Drive) between 8 am and 4 pm. Residents must bring proof of their rental licence and will be required to sign a waiver at the time of pickup.​​

Does My Rental Property Fall Within the RRL Program?

​​Find my ward​​​
​​​​Map of Brampton broken down into wards.  Showing required wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7

View the licensed residential rental properties in Brampton​​​​​​​