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Frequently Asked Questions


Brampton’s two-year Residential Rental Licensing (RRL) Pilot Program requires rental properties with four or fewer units in Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 to obtain a business licence. ​​

The RRL Pilot Program aims to improve rental housing conditions by ensuring properties meet essential safety and maintenance standards. This helps protect the health, safety and well-being of tenants, while preserving the integrity of Brampton's neighbourhoods. Before this program, rentals of four or fewer units did not have a level of oversight like other types of apartment rentals. Requiring smaller rental operators in the identified areas to obtain a business licence ensures compliance with Property Standards By-Laws, Fire and Building Codes and holds landlords accountable for providing safe living accommodations for renters.

The City's zoning defines rental properties with more than four units as apartment dwellings, which fall outside the scope of this pilot program. However, the City currently regulates lodging houses (which are similar to rental properties with four or fewer units) through annual renewals and inspections to ensure compliance with health and safety standards. ​

The RRL Pilot Program aims to improve rental housing conditions by ensuring properties meet essential safety and maintenance standards, helping to protect the health, safety and well-being of tenants while preserving the integrity of Brampton's neighbourhoods. Before this program, rentals of four or fewer units did not have a level of oversight like other types of apartment rentals. Requiring smaller rental operators in the identified areas to obtain a business licence ensures compliance with Property Standards By-Laws, Fire and Building Codes and holds landlords accountable for providing safe living accommodations for renters.​

​The pilot program focuses on the five ‘central’ wards in Brampton as Council directed. These wards have historically high rental violations. The pilot will continue to be evaluated to help inform decisions about the program’s future and whether it should be extended city-wide. ​​

​You can apply for a licence online through the City of Brampton’s website at​ The application requires basic information about the property. After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email. 

​The program ensures that rental properties meet safety standards, improving living conditions for tenants. By enforcing compliance with building codes and fire safety regulations, the City is helping to create safer, healthier living environments for all tenants. Landlords also benefit by having their legally registered units recognized as compliant, giving them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.​

​Licences are required for each rental property. If the landlord owns multiple properties then each property requires a licence.​​

No, you do not need to reapply for a licence. The City Clerk’s Office will continue to process the application on file and issue a licence. Should additional information be required, you’ll be contacted by the Clerk’s Office.​

If your parents are living in a legal, registered basement apartment, the program applies to that unit, and it will need to be licensed​.

Yes, a rental licence is required for ARUs and convertible dwellings, but no additional supporting documentation is required (i.e. f​loor​ plans, inspections, etc.).​

​Yes, single detached dwellings require a rental licence.​

No, condo rental units will not require a rental licence during the pilot program. Condominium unit owners and landlords responsible to a condominium board or authority are exempt from the pilot.​ ​

Buildings with more than four (4) units are categorized as an apartment dwelling as per the City's zoning, which falls outside the scope of the RRL Pilot Program. "Dwelling apartment shall mean a building containing five (5) or more dwelling units which have a common entrance from the street level, and the occupants of which have the right to use common elements."

The City supports tenants of apartment dwellings by providing access to resources based on specific complaints, as the landlord-tenant relationships fall under Provincial jurisdiction. Building issues related to fire safety and property standards will continue to be addressed by the City to ensure tenant safety and well-being.

The two-year RRL Pilot Program focuses on Additional Residential Units (ARUs), convertable dwellings and single-family dwelling units being used as rental units. These types of rentals are more likely to be non-compliant with Property Standards By-Laws, Fire and Building Codes. The goal of the pilot is to identify smaller rental operators within Wards 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7, and ensure compliance with relevant regulations, and hold landlords accountable for providing safe living conditions.​

A dwelling unit means one or more habitable rooms designed or capable of being used together as a single and separate housekeeping unit by one person or jointly by two (2) or more persons, containing its own kitchen and sanitary facilities, with a private entrance from outside of the unit itself. The unit may be in any part of the dwelling, including the basement, as well as located elsewhere on the property as a Garden Suite (registered ARU​).​ This also applies to single housing keeping units in which an occupant has exclusive possession of any part of the unit that is being rented (i.e. the entire house). ​

The City of Brampton has waived the RRL licence application fee for the remainder of 2025. Landlords who apply for a licence during this period will not be required to pay the $300 application fee.  ​

No, the licence application fee waiver only applies to new applications made during the remainder of 2025. ​

​Residents who apply for and receive a rental licence during the fee waiver period will receive a free smoke alarm. This initiative is designed to enhance fire safety in homes across the city.

Eligible residents will receive one smoke alarm per registration.​

​Once residents obtain their rental licence, they can collect one free smoke alarm at Brampton Fire & Emergency Services Headquarters (425 Chrysler Drive) between 8 am to 4 pm. Residents must bring proof of their rental licence and will be required to sign a waiver at the time of pickup.

The smoke alarm provided is battery-operated.​

No. It is the resident's responsibility to install and maintain the smoke alarm. ​

No, only new applicants during the fee waiver period can receive a free smoke alarm. ​

Enforcement & By-Law Services and other City departments will work together to review all rental units operating within the city and determine when it is appropriate to conduct inspections of units that may be operating unsafely or contrary to existing municipal by-laws.​

Failing to apply for a licence or comply with the program can result in fines and penalties. The City’s Enforcement and By-law Services team will conduct inspections to ensure compliance. Non-compliant rental properties can face penalties of up to $1,200.​

Penalties for non-compliance are as follows:​ ​
  • First Offence: $600
  • Second Offence: $900
  • Subsequent Offences: $1,200

The rental operator may also face fines from the Non-Parking Administrative Monetary System (Non-Parking AMPS) By-Law.​


During the pilot program, the City will be conducting inspections on an as need basis. The two-year pilot includes the inspection fees. However, if the owner refuses an inspection or is a no-show they may be subject to fines as specified in the Business Licensing By-law 184-2023​.​​​​

Applicable legislation such as the Municipal Act, 2001, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and the Building Code Act, 1992 set out the requirements for inspections, including any notice requirements. The City will generally coordinate with the property owner, when possible, to conduct an inspection.​

The City will continue to investigate complaints about illegal ARUs and advise property owners to register their ARU. If necessary, appropriate fines or penalties will be applied for non-compliance. ​

The City of Brampton amended its Property Standards By-law 165-2022 ​in January 2025 to prevent unsafe overcrowding in residential dwellings by setting occupancy standards for individuals aged 18 years old and older. These changes reflect the City’s commitment to ensuring access to affordable and safe housing.

Key amendments to the by-law include:

  • Establishing scaled bedroom floor area requirements for multiple occupancies for residents aged 18 years old and older:
    • Where a bedroom is provided to three occupants, there must be a minimum total floor area of 14 square-metres (i.e., approx. 150 square-feet). This amendment aligns with the requirements under the Ontario Building Code for rooms such as dormitories.
    • Where a bedroom is provided to four or more occupants, there must be a minimum floor area of seven square-metres (i.e. approx. 75 square-feet) per occupant.

Parking is to comply with the City’s zoning requirements.​


The property owner is responsible for ensuring the property is maintained in accordance with the City’s property standards. If issues are identified, the property owner will be issued a notice outlining the timeframe to address the issue. Failure to comply within the given timeframe may result in penalties or fines.​

Property owners are responsible for ensuring their property complies with City of Brampton by-laws. While tenants may handle certain maintenance tasks, the owner is ultimately liable for meeting these requirements. Owners can manage this directly or hire a contractor for tasks such as refuse collection and exterior maintenance. Failure to comply may result in fines.​

Issues related between the landlord and tenant is to be directed to the​ Landlord Tenant Board.​​

The intent of the RRL Pilot Program is to hold landlords accountable for their rental properties. The program requires landlords to provide up-to-date contact information, allowing the City to reach them if issues arise. In cases where absentee landlords fail to address concerns, the City will apply fines and penalties.

The RRL Pilot Program provides landlords with a resource guide to help educate tenants about property standards. This guide includes a Maintenance and Safety Checklist,​ offering guidance on how to maintain properties and ensure compliance with safety regulations.​​