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Process for Planning Events

​​​​​​​​​Step by Step Process ​

There are five (5) steps to organize a public event in the City of Brampton

  1. Secure a location
  2. Submit a SEAT application
  3. SEAT Review
  4. SEAT Conditional Approval / Rejection
  5. SEAT Follow up & Permit Issuance​

Step 1: Secure a Location

The City of Brampton has many parks, facilities and amenities that are used annually by event organizers. Some are suitable for large events and have amenities such as electricity and washrooms while others have few amenities and are intended for smaller community gatherings.

Securing a location for your public event is the first step to begin planning your public event.

​​​Contact Information to Secure a Locatio​n



Private Property Events

Please note that if you are planning to host an event on private property, there may still be requirements needed by the City of Brampton. For example: 

  • Food trucks, vendors, bouncy castles, etc. require a business license

  • Temporary stage/tents of a certain size require a building​ permit and/or zo​ning permit

Other event requirements may also be needed from other services areas, including but not limited to:

  • Region of Peel Health Department approval (food and animal related events)
  • Peel Regional Police onsite presence (pay duty officer request)
  • Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (alcohol events)
  • Technical Standards and Safety Authority requirements
  • Electrical Safety Authority requirements
  • Entandem Licensing (use of music)​

​Step 2: Submit a SEAT application​

SEAT Application

All organizers of public events on City of Brampton property are required to submit an application to the City's Special Event Advisory Team (SEAT).

SEAT is comprised of representatives from internal and external departments, and is the body responsible for reviewing and approving festival and event applications, to ensure the overall health and safety of festivals and events taking place on city-owned property.

All submitted information, including the application, site map(s) and supporting application documents are reviewed by SEAT and conditional approvals and permits are issued accordingly.

​Is there a fee to submit an application?

There is no fee to submit an application, but please be aware that there may be other costs for permits, rental fees and/or requirements for elements of your event.

Do I need to submit an application?

If you are planning a public event on City of Brampton property, you need to submit an application.
  • Private events for invited guests only, such as picnics, BBQs, birthday parties, wedding ceremonies / receptions
  • Photography or film permits
  • Any regular ongoing Recreation programs or rentals
  • Performing Arts indoor Facilities, including The Rose, Lester B. Pearson and Cyril Clark
  • Alderlea House
  • Sport leagues​

Application Deadline

Applications are due 90 DAYS prior to the start of an event. This provides event organizers and the City with enough time to secure and process all of the necessary permits, permissions and insurance prior to the event.

The City reserves the right to deny an application that is received outside of the deadline and/or impose additional terms and conditions.​

How do I submit an Application?

Once you have secured a location and have a tenative rental agreement number, you can submit your SEAT application here:

If there are any changes made to your application after it has been approved (i.e. date, time, location etc.), SEAT requires written notice at least 21 days prior to your event.

What happens after I submit an application?​

​​​​​​​​​​Staff will review the application, connect with the organizer listed on the application to review details and begin the next step in the process.

Please note that if your event or organization has any outstanding fees owing to the City of Brampton, your application will not be considered.

Step 3: SEAT Review

  • Staff will contact the event organizer listed on the application regarding the application to review details and obtain more information.
  • Once all details have been recieved, SEAT will review the event plans and site maps.

Step 4: Conditional Approval / Rejection

If the event is approved by SEAT, the event organizer listed on the application will receive a conditional approval letter from SEAT via e-mail. The letter states that the approval of the event is conditional on the event organizer completing certain tasks. Examples of these tasks include: providing proof of insurance, payment of fees, obtaining an AGCO Special Occasions Permit, etc.

If the event is not approved, the event organizer listed on the application will receive a letter from SEAT via e-mail.

Step 5: SEAT Follow up & Permit Issuance

​Upon confirmation that all tasks listed on the SEAT conditional approval letter have been completed, the event organizer listed on the application will receive the Special Event Permit. ​

Contact Festival and Events