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Senior's Digital Café: Connecting Beyond Walls


Fitness ​Video Tutorials​​

City of Brampton Recreation fitness instructors are providing quick tutorials to help keep you motivated on your health and fitness journey. Follow the steps in each tutorial and go at your own pace and comfort level. ​​

Puzzles an​​d Activities

Download a puzzle workbook and see how many you can solve​. Puzzles with varying levels of difficulty are included in each workbook. An answer key is provided on the last page, but try not to peak!​

Seniors' Café: Call-In Chats​

This program has concluded, thank you for joining us! Please visit here​ to view in-person program availability.

If you have any questions, please call 905-874-3348 or email​

​Technology Resources

Video calling is a great way to connect with your loved ones safely. We’ve put together a step-by-step resource to guide you through installing and using S​kype technology. Click here​ for PDF instructions.​​

​​Community Resources

Disclaimer: The City of Brampton neither endorses nor receives compensation from any group or organization listed below. This information is for your reference and the City is not liable for damages or injuries resulting from advice or instruction provided.​​