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Brampton Plan

Brampton Plan


Approved Brampton Plan

On May 16, 2024, the Region of Peel formally issued a notice of approval with modifications for the City of Brampton’s new Official Plan, known as the ‘Brampton Plan.’ City staff are grateful to all those who contributed to shaping the Brampton Plan, which serves as a roadmap toward creating a sustainable, urban, and vibrant future for the city. The Plan took effect on June 6th, 2024, except for any sections that may be subject to appeal. View the Region’s Notice of Decision and modifications​ for further details.

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Notice of Ad​o​ption

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​Your City. Our Future.

Brampton Plan provides the path forward to implement the aspirations of the Brampton 2040 Visio​n and achieve a sustainable, urban, and vibrant future for the city. Brampton Plan is the culmination of over three years of background and technical studies, as well as extensive public consultation that includes the Vision 2040 process, that has helped sh​ape how Brampton will grow and develop to the year 2051.

Click here to see the current Official Plan
Banner of Downtown Concept

Key Community Engagement Milestones

Item Status: Past

Developing a robust engagement strategy to be implemented throughout each phase of the project, including building greater awareness of city planning in the community with particular attention towards translating high level aspirational vision into successful implementation plans. ​​​

Item Status: Past

Testing the Brampton 2040 Vision, developing growth scenarios, identify any data gaps that may exist.​

Item Status: Past

Building upon, testing, and confirming the Community Structure outlined in the Brampton 2040 Vision. ​​

Item Status: Past

Seeking input on the core topic areas that will inform the direction of the Brampton Plan as articulated through discussion papers and a policy directions report.​

Item Status: Past

​Revealing and refining three versions of Draft Brampton Plan based on engagement, feedback and input received on draft policies through a series of stakeholder engagement sessions, open houses and public meetings, including meeting statutory Planning Act requirements.​

Item Status: Past

Council Adoption of City of Brampton Official Plan (Brampton Plan).​

Our Vision is the long-term goal for our city.

Learn about the 2040 Vision

Questions or co​mments? Contact:​