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Environmental Assessments

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​An Environmental Assessment (EA) is a study that captures the effec​t a proposed project will have on the area's people and environment. Most major road construction projects undertaken by the City of Brampton require the completion of an EA in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process.​​

EAs are conducted , not only to study a proposed project's impact on an area, b​ut to solicit feedback from the public. As detailed in the study phases below, input from local residents and businesses is essential and accepted throughout the EA process. Other stakeholders like conservation authorities, government agencies, and neighbouring municipalities are also consulted.

Municip​al Class Environmental Assessments

The Municipal Class EA is an approved process that municipalities must follow under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. Class EA projects are classified in terms of schedules (A, A+, B or C) depending on the degree of impact to the environment.

  • Schedule A projects include normal or emergency operational and maintenance activities. Environmental impacts of these projects are usually minimal and; therefore, they are considered pre-approved.
  • Schedule A+ projects are pre-approved. However, the public will be advised prior to the pr​oject's implementation. The manner in which the public is advised is determined by the City.
  • Schedule B projects involve improvements and minor expansions to existing facilities. There is some potential for adverse environmental impacts and; therefore, these projects go through a screening process including public consultation.
  • Schedule C projects involve the construction of new facilities and major expansions to existing facilities. These projects must go through the entire EA planning process.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Based on the schedule classification, Environmental Assessments in Brampton follow a set of standardized project phases.

  • ​Identify the problem or opportunity.
  • A Notice of Study Commencement is issued at the beginning of the EA study.​

  • ​Identify alternative planning solutions to address the problem or opportunity by taking into consideration the existing environment.
  • Determine the preferred solution taking into consideration input from the public and review agencies.
  • A Public Information Centre is required during this phase of the EA study.
  • For Schedule B projects, a project file is completed summarizing Phases 1 to 2, and a Notice of Study Completion is issued. 

  • Examine alternative methods of implementing the preferred solution based on:
    • The existing environment
    • Input from the public and environmental review agency
    • Anticipated environmental impacts
    • Methods of minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts
  • A Public Information Centre is required during this phase of the EA study.

  • ​In an Environmental Study Report (ESR), document a summary of the rationale, planning, design and consultation process undertaken through Phases 1 to 3.
  • A Notice of Study Completion is issued at the completion of the EA study.
  • The ESR is available for scrutiny by review agencies and the public. Official appeals can be made during a 30-day review period as outlined below.
Appeal Provision

If there are any outstanding concerns that are not resolved during project planning, the person or party with the concern must make a written request to the Minister of the Environment for a “Part II Order” within this 30-day review period. The “Part II Order” is a request that the project be subject to Part II of the EA Act (Individual EA), and is subject to formal governmental review and approval under the EA Act. An Individual EA generally applies to large scale projects, including new Provincial roadways.  If no “Part II Orders” are received, the project can proceed immediately to design and construction (Phase 5).​

  • ​Complete contract drawings and documents.
  • Proceed to construction and operation.
  • Monitor construction and operations to make sure they adhere to environmental provisions and commitments as necessary.

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Brampton, Ontario L6S 6E5
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