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Resident Guide to Snow Operations

​There are 5 main thin​gs​ all Brampton residents should know when it comes to snow:

1. Report issues with plow service 24 hours after the snow fall ends

  • Snow operators are working tirelessly to clear City roads, parking lots, recreational trails, bus stops, and more.
  • Plows can only clear a portion of the road at a time, multiple passes are required to complete a road.
  • Use the Brampton Plow Tracker to check s​now maintenance progress, road priorities, and if a plow is near you.
  • Please wait 24 hours after the end of a snowfall to report snow issues​ to 311. When maintenance activities are underway, snow operators and dispatchers will only attend to urgent service requests.
  • If weather conditions are severe, the service level may be extended to 48 hours. Check the Snow Clearing Status Updates for more information.

2. Parked cars obstruct snow-clearing services

  • Parking restrictions​ are in place during winter operations to ensure snow clearing equipment has access to the road.
  • Street parking considerations are NOT valid during snow events or freezing rain.
  • Do not park on the street until it has been plowed/salted.
  • Vehicles parked on the street during winter operations, overhanging the curb, or blocking the sidewalk may be ticketed and/or towed. As shown below, parking is permitted horizontally on the area between the sidewalk and the street if there is sufficient space to do so.
  • Diagram showing correct and incorrect parking on driveway apron, as described above.

3. Shovel the snow on your property by the next morning

4. Snow clearing service is prioritized based on road tr​affic

  • The City will clear all Brampton roads within 24 hours after the end of snowfall, unless weather conditions are severe.
  • Service levels​ are tied to road traffic classifications; arterial roads are cleared first, collectors second, and local roads third.
  • Road conditions after plow service vary for the different road types, but all will be safe and passable.

​​5. Track City operations using the Brampton Plow Tracker​

Related Links

​​Snow FAQs
​​Snow Operations Home​​​​

Contact Public Works and Engineering

Public Works and Engineering
Williams Parkway Operations Centre - 1975 Williams Parkway
Brampton, Ontario L6S 6E5
 Email Us

Need to report an issue?

 Create a 311 Service Request