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Williams Parkway from Dixie Rd to Torbram Rd


Project Map

Project Details

The City of Brampton has completed a study for improvements to Williams Parkway from Dixie Road to Torbram Road (previously identified as Schedule A+ of MCEA). Technical studies were completed to determine what improvements and mitigations are needed for the Williams Parkway corridor, including evaluating capacity and active transportation needs, structural condition, potential safety, and operational issues towards achieving Vision Zero, population/employment growth, travel demand management, transit and traffic noise. The recommended improvements include road rehabilitation and lane width adjustments, a multi-use path on both sides of the road, streetlighting and signal upgrades, culvert upgrades where required, intersection design to improve safety, and noise attenuations.

Project Contacts

Ghazanfar Mohammad

Senior Project Engineer M.Eng., P.Eng., PMP​
City of Brampton
WPOC, 1975 Williams Parkway
Brampton, ON L6S 6E5
Tel: 905 874 2949

Salina Chan

Consultant Project Manager
Parsons Inc.
625 Cochrane Drive, Suite 300
Markham, ON L3R 9R9
Tel: 647 465 3000