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Access to Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) provides members of the public with a right of access to City records. This right of access can be exercised through an access to information request, also known as a Freedom of Information Request.

Freedom of Inform​ation (FOI) Request

Freedom of Information request is used to obtain existing City records. It does not provide answers to questions, analysis, or interpretation of information-only access to existing records. This request is appropriate when the record you need is not publicly available through other sources​

The Act establishes fees that apply to access to information requests.

Application Fee

All requests are subject to a $5.00 application fee.

Processing Fees for Personal Information Requests

Fees that apply to requests for records containing the requestor’s own personal information include:

  • Printing/copying $0.20/page
  • CD/USB device $10.00/each

Processing Fees for General Information Requests

Fees that apply to requests for records containing general information include:

  • Time spent searching for responsive records $7.50/15 minutes ($30.00/hour)
  • Time spent preparing records for disclosure $7.50/15 minutes ($30.00/hour)
  • Printing/copying $0.20/page
  • CD/USB device $10.00/each
  • Full recovery of invoiced costs
  • Full recovery of postage/shipping costs

Before you submit your request, be sure you have clearly identified the records you are seeking, the applicable date range and, where possible, the City department or staff members that may maintain the records.​​

​​​​​If you are seeking information on City programs and services or an answer to a question, you may contact Service Brampton at 311 (905-874-2000 if calling from outside of the City) or at

If you are seeking access to a City record, you should contact the department you believe has the record you are seeking. You may access a list of City department​s ​here. The Records Retention Schedule and the Registry of Personal Information Banks provide details on the types of records that may be available from the City and on the departments that maintain the records.

Once you locate the department that has the record you are seeking, staff from that department will be able to advise if the record is available to you through an established process and if fees apply.

  • Online: Submit a submit an new FOI Request by clicking below and filling an online form:
    FOI request f​orm​​​
  • By mail: Download and fill out the FOI Request PDF version and send it by mail addressed to:

    Attn: Access to Information
    Access and Privacy Team
    City Clerk's Office
    City Of Brampton
    2 Wellington Street West
    Brampton, Ontario
    L6Y 4R2

  • In person: The FOI Request PDF version also be submitted in person at City Hall​​

Routine Disclosure

MFIPPA provides the public a formal right of access to records within the City’s custody or under its control, subject to limited and specific mandatory and discretionary exemptions to disclosure.

While MFIPPA sets out a process for formal requests under the Act, the City has the right to release records in response to requests made without a formal request under the​ Act. This informal release of information is referred to as Routine Disclosure.

Below are the types of records that can be accessed through Routine Disclosure, and information on the processes to follow to submit these requests.​​​​

​​The Building Division, located at Flower City Community Campus, 8850 McLaughlin Road, Unit 1, Brampton, ON, L6Y 5T1, discloses certain building-related records, including surveys, drawings, permits, and inspection records. Fees apply. 

For more information or to request a copy of a record, you may contact the Building Division directly at 905.874.2401 or at​.

To request as a guest, click the Document Services button on the Brampton Business and Building Portal

Compliance information related to zoning and Building Code matters, legal matters, financial matters and cemetery matters is disclosed through the Compliance Information Request process. Fees apply.

Visit the Compliance Letters section to place a new compliance information request. For more information, contact the Building Division at 905.874.2401 or

The City of Brampton has outlined procedures for providing routine access to By-Law and Enforcement Records while protecting personal information as required under MFIPPA. 

Routine Disclosure includes the following records: 

  • ​Complaint Information
  • Administration Log Sheet
  • Officer Comments
  • Picture 

Requestor pays a $75 application fee per document.
User Fee By-law 380-2003​

Click below to request routine access to By-Law and Enforcement Records.
​​​ Routine Disclosure Request

Electronic video surveillance (also known as CCTV or closed circuit television) is used at City properties, at Zum bus stops and on City buses to protect City assets, employees and the public. 

Surveillance video is recorded but retained for a relatively short period: 

  • Video recordings from City facilities and Zum bus stops are retained for 31 days.
  • Video recordings from City buses are retained for 72 hours. 

Video can be preserved for investigation and prosecution in case of an incident or concern. Video is automatically and permanently destroyed at the end of the retention period. Please contact for more details.

Requestor pays an application fee of $125 for every 15 minutes or part thereof of footage.
User Fee By-law 380-2003

Click below t​​o request routine access to CCTV Records.
​​​ ​Routine Disclosure Request

The City of Brampton discloses environment-related records upon the request of the applicable property owner (or a designee who has a letter of authorization from the property owner). Fees apply. 

The Public Works and Engineering Department, 1975 Williams Pkwy, Brampton, ON, L6S 6E5, manages environmental records searches. Tel: 905.874.2500

Fire and Emergency Services may also maintain environment-related records. The Fire Prevention Division, 225 Central Park Drive, Brampton, ON, L6S 6H1, manages fire record searches. Tel: 905.874.2740. ​

Brampton Fire and Emergency Services disclose Fire Occurrence Reports upon the request of the applicable property owner (or a designee with a letter of authorization from the property owner). Fees apply. 

​Click below to submit a new request for a Fire Occurrence Report using the Fire Prevention Inspection Request form.
​​​ Fire Prevention Inspection Request