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East-West Cycling Corridor Project

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The City of Brampton is cu​rrently looking at design alternatives for approximately 7-km of cycling facilities on:

  • Vodden Street, extending from Isabella Street to Howden Boulevard;
  • Howden Boulevard, from Williams Parkway to Central Park Drive; and
  • Hanover Road, between Howden Boulevard and Central Park Drive.

This will provide an east-west cycling route across Brampton, linking the destinations such as Downtown Brampton, Duggan Park, Century Gardens Recreation Centre, North Park Secondary School, Chinguacousy Park and a number of other amenities. The corridors will also connect with many existing north-south trails, such as the Etobicoke Creek, Esker Lake and Chinguacousy Recreational Trails for wider active transportation connectivity and access. Throughout the design process, there will be opportunities for the public to provide input.

This project is one of the key priorities in building a Safe and Green city as outlined in Brampton 2040 Vision. By providing a continuous and connected east-west corridor of separated cycling facilities, the intent is to provide existing and future cyclists with safer and more comfortable cycling options. The access to existing north-south trails and other modes of transportation will help to improve recreational and commuting travel options.

Project Update

The project is still within the detailed design phase however as the result of COVID -19, Council had directed staff to fast track the implementation of temporary bike lanes (for more information visit the Interim Bike Lane project page​). The initial roll out involved the use of construction barrels to delineate these lanes. Given the continuation of the pandemic situation and continuing refinement of the ultimate design, the construction barrels have been replaced with a more “permanent” measure to continue the interim condition (in advance of an ultimate design being finalized). The design and tender process for the East-West Cycling Corridor permanent design will take another several months to complete. Painting these lanes in the interim moves us closer to the final design while saving costs, as the construction barrels were leased on a monthly basis.

Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

Nelson Cadete
Project Mana​ger, Active Transportation
Planning, Bui​lding and Growth Management

City of Brampton
2 Wellington Street West
Brampton, ON L6Y 4R2

Contact WSP in Canada

J. David McLaughlin, BA, MES, MCIP, RPP
Manager & Senior Project Manager
Planning and Advisory, Transportation

100 Commerce Valley Drive West
Thornhill, ON L3T 0A1