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What is the Precinct Plan?


Queen Street East Precinct Plan

Catalyst for change and roadmap to strong community: Walkable 20 minute Neighbourhoods with Comprehensive Living and Working Frameworks.

To transform the 220 acres into a vibrant mixed-u​se urban community, the design of the Precinct is based on creating a series of 20-minute walkable neighbourhoods with Urban Community Hubs as anchors. This is a pl​ace where all the elements needed for our residents to enjoy a festive urban life, that includes transit, parks, shopping, dining, arts and culture, healthcare, and more, are within an 800-metre walk.

A prelimin​ary concept of this Precinct Plan was adopted by Council, in principle, on January 13, 2020.

This Preliminary Plan includes concepts based on detailed design analysis and extensive outreach within the City of Brampton’s divisions, the Region of Peel, agencies, and other stakeholders including affordable housing developers, and arts and culture service providers.​​

Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

Questions or comm​ents? Contact:

​Dalia Bahy, Urban Designer
