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Stormwater Charge


All p​roperties within Brampton that drain into the City’s stormwater drainage system are subject to a stormwater charge. Properties with more hard surface contribute more runoff into the system. Your stormwater charge is based on your property type and the amount of hard surfaces on your property.

The charge has been effective since June 1, 2020 and appears on Region of Peel water bills. The charge is a dedicated source of funding to keep the City’s stormwater drainage system in good working order and to set aside sufficient funds to finance necessary upgrades and repairs in the future.

What you see on your water ​bill​​

Your annual stormwater charge is divided into a daily rate. Each bill will show the stormwater charge for the number of days that have passed since your last bill, so it may vary from bill to bill.

How the charge is calcula​te​d​​

Stormwater charges are calculated based on the amount of hard surface on your property. A stormwater assessment is updated based on the most recent aerial imagery available to the City.

​Billing units and the annual rate​​​

A billing unit represents the average hard surface area on a single detached residential property (234 square metres). To calculate your total stormwater charge, the number of billing units on your property is multiplied by the annual rate per unit.

The annual rate is reviewed and approved by Council every year as part of the City’s annual User Fee By-law process.​ The annual rate effective April 1, 2025 is defined in Schedule I of the User Fee B​y-law 193-2024​.

Single-family residential properties include single detached, semi-detached, freehold townhomes and row houses. Each property falls into one of five tiers based on the rooftop area, which is used as a predictor of the total hard surface area on the residential property.

TierProperty TypeRooftop area in square meters2024 Estimated fees per year2025 Estimated fees per year2025 Increase
Extra SmallTown/rowhouses and residential freehold condos23.40 to 105.49$46.02
SmallSemis, linked homes and small single detached homes105.50 to 140.49 $64.42
MediumMedium single detached homes 140.50 to 220.49$92.03
LargeLarge single detached homes220.50 to 250.49$119.64
Extra LargeVery large single detached homes250.49 and above

Why rooftop area is used to calculate hard surface
The City completed an extensive study measuring all the hard surfaces on a sample of single-family residential properties: rooftops, driveways, patios, and any other hard surfaces. The study found that rooftop area is a reliable predictor of the total hard surface area on a single family residential property.

Multi-family and non-residential properties are charged according to the amount of hard surfaces on the property, as measured directly for each property.

The total hard surface is divided by a single billing unit (234 square metres) and then multiplied by the current stormwater charge rate ($95.16).

A property owned and operated by a condominium corporation will receive one assessment. The condominium board or the property manager will determine how the charge is divided among all of the individual unit owners. The board or the property owner will be responsible for the administration and collection of payments.​

Estimate your charge

You can use the stormwater charge estimator to see what the quarterly and annual charge may be for your property. The estimator also shows an aerial image of the hard surface area used to estimate your charge.​

​View My Stormwater Charge Estimate

Credits and Subsidies​

Certain properties are eligible for Stormwater Charge reductions as follows:

Single family residential​​​ properties​​

Low-income seniors and persons with disabilities may be eligible for a subsidy to help pay their stormwater charge. If you qualify for tax assistance for res​idents, you'll automatically qualify for a stormwater charge subsidy. A separate application is not necessary.

Business and multi-family residential properties

Businesses (non-residential) and multi-family residential properties that have implemented stormwater management best practices to reduce their runoff and stormwater pollution can apply to the stormwater charge credit p​rogram.

Full details are available in the Stormwater Charge Credit Program Man​ual.​​​

Report an Error in your Stormwater Charges

If you believe the stormwater charge assessment for your property is incorrect, you can appeal your current stormwater charge assessment.

Background: Stormwater Financing Study

​In June 2019, City Council approved a new stormwa​ter charge to provide dedicated, sustainable funding for the City’s stormwater infrastructure.

​The recommendation to implement this charge came out of a two-year study on sustainable funding options for this vital service. To view the reports, see below:

Contact Environment and Development Engineering

Planning, Building and Growth Management
2 Wellington St W, Brampton​