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Private Stormwater Facilities

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Maintaining your stormwater facilities

​The Cit​​y of Brampton is committed to protecting you, your home and business, and the environment from stormwater impacts including flooding and water pollution.

As part of the larg​​er effort to manage stormwater in Brampton, stormwater management facilities are routinely installed on both public and private properties. ​​The City’s programs, services and projects help maintain stormwater management facilities on City property.

What do property owners need to know?

It is the responsibility of property owners to inspect and maintain stormwater management facilities installed on their property. When regularly maintained, these facilities capture contaminants in stormwater and prevent them from getting into the City’s stormwater drainage system and polluting local rivers and creeks. They also replenish groundwater and slow down stormwater runoff to help prevent flooding and erosion.

Stormwater management facilities must be inspected and serviced on a regular basis to ensure that the device operates as intended in accordance with Brampton's Sewage By-law.

Inspecting and maintaining your stormwater facilities may also help you reduce the stormwater charge for your property. Eligible property owners can apply for a reduction in their charge through the Credit Program. For more information, click the button below:

Stormwater Credit Program

​​​​​​​​​Do you have a facility on your property?

Stormwater management facilities are routinely in​​stalled on private properties when they are originally developed, but they are often out of sight! As a quick reference, you can check by searching for your property in the map below. Facilities are also shown in more detail on site servicing plans, which owners can request from the City here​.

Oil Grit Separators and Filters

Over 700 oil grit separators and filters exist on private properties across Brampton. These devices capture sediment and oil from stormwater and prevent them from being released into the City’s stormwater drainage system, and ultimately local rivers and creeks. ​​​

Contact Environment and Development Engineering

Planning, Building and Growth Management
2 Wellington St W, Brampton​