The Nurturing Neighbourhoods Program was an initiative within the Community Safety & Well-Being Office (CSWO), at the City of Brampton. It was an innovative way to engage Brampton residents and encourage civic community building. Through the Nurturing Neighbourhoods Program, residents had the opportunity to play an active role, and even take the lead, in shaping the future of their neighbourhoods.
This program was created in response to the
Brampton 2040 Vision: Living the Mosaic’s Action Item #3-1: A Complete Neighbourhood Audit. A complete neighbourhood audit is a way of systematically updating and revitalizing neighbourhoods to ensure full provisions for comfortable and sustainable living.
The Nurturing Neighbourhood Program has now wrapped up! Throughout 2018 to 2022, we completed all Neighbourhood Audits in Brampton and we learned from our residents about the importance of neighbours coming together and feeling connected. This has helped to inform our new
Affiliated Neighbourhood Associations initiative, which was launched in 2024!
Through CSWO, a new funding source, the Nurtured Neighbourhood Grant, was developed and implemented in 2024 to support Affiliated Neighbourhood Associations. The Nurtured Neighbourhood Grant allows Affiliated Neighbourhood Associations to take leadership and action on projects related to beautification, cleanliness, sense of belonging, and connectedness within their neighbourhood.
Affiliated Neighbourhood Associations are eligible for up to $1,500 for collective beautification measures taken, or other projects or initiatives related to community safety and well-being, as reviewed, and approved by CSWO.
To learn more, check out the
Neighbourhood Associations page.
GeoHub Neighbourhood Profiles
The GeoHub Neighbourhood Profiles launched in 2023. GeoHub is a tool for residents to familiarize themselves with unique, community-based assets that exist in their neighbourhoods, and to be connected to safety and well-being resources.
From the Nurturing Neighbourhoods Program Survey responses, we have learned that residents want to be more connected to their neighbourhoods, and want to know more about the assets within them.
Have a Look at the Assets Within Your Neighbourhood!
Submit Your Neighbourhood Gem or Neighbourhood Project!
If you would like to submit a neighbourhood gem that you love, or a project that your neighbourhood association has completed, you can submit it for review to be live on the GeoHub!
Submit a Neighbourhood Gem