The City of Brampton is a community rich in diverse cultures and many faiths. The Community Safety & Well-Being Office (CSWO) has been working with the interfaith community to enhance relationships and strengthen connectedness and belonging for faith-based places across Brampton.
Faith-based places offer spiritual care and connection for residents in our community. This is an important segment of community which we highly value and respect, both for their contributions in shaping the City of Brampton, and for their continued input as we build our City. Engaging faith-based communities has been an integral way to engage Brampton residents in civic community building.
Coming Together
In 2019, we hosted our first Annual Faith Leaders Meeting at Brampton City Hall, where over 100 Brampton faith leaders of different faiths gathered to share and learn from each other. Pivoting to virtual meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, faith leaders met online and resumed in-person gatherings in 2023 with CSWO.
Throughout the year, faith leaders are engaged in various ways both online and in-person, at Brampton City Hall and at faith places across the City.
How We Can Support
CSWO is available for meetings to share information about community safety and well-being. We are a resource to help you navigate city services, connect you to appropriate channels for resolving safety issues, and empower you to take action.