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Homeowners and Residential Contractors


Welcome to the residentia​l building permit page. The following information has been provided to guide you through the application experience.

A building permit is a formal permission​ from the City of Brampton to start a building project. Staff must review your permit plans to make sure that they follow Ontario Building Code (OBC) standards, zoning by-laws and any other regulations. View the current building permit fees​​​​. If you are planning to construct an addition to your home or a new/replacement dwelling your plans may be affected by the Mature Neighbourhood Requirements.

1. If you are planning to construct an addition to your home or a new/replacement dwelling your plans may be affected by the Mature Neighbourhood Requirements.

2. Check to see if your project will comply with the requirements of the Zoning By-Law​ (distance from property lines, maximum lot coverage etc.)

3. Check to see if you require approvals from any external agencies such as a Conservation Authority or Heritage Committee.​

By-law 270-2004, as amended, is the City of Brampton’s comprehensive Zoning By-law. 

The zoning by-law contains provisions that regulate the use, size, height, and location of buildings and structures on all properties within the City.  The provisions of the by-law will specify the permitted uses (e.g. commercial or residential) and the required standards (e.g. building size and location) in each zone. 

The goal of the City’s zoning by-law is to create harmonious neighbourhoods and communities by ensuring that adjacent land uses are compatible and by setting regulations that govern built form. 

If you are building in an area regulated by a conservation authority, you will need approval from that authority before the City of Brampton can issue the building permit.  Please contact the Credit Valley Conservation Authority or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for more information.

Find more Information about Zoning

The Standard Permit Application Service is available for all home renovation projects. Through this service the Building Division will provide a review of your application within 10 business days.

These packages contain a checklist for you to follow, all of the necessary forms to complete prior to submitting your application and sample drawings illustrating the information that is required to be on your plans.


Approvals from other departments or agencies may be required before the Building Division can accept an application for or issue a building permit.

  • Property Surveys: When submitting a building permit application, the legal survey must be legible and include the signature and information of the surveyor who prepared the document. During permit submission, the document will be reviewed and determined if acceptable. If not acceptable, you will need to find an alternative method of locating a survey.   Please note: the City of Brampton does not maintain a record of surveys for all properties.   ​
  • Electronic submission of permit applications are accepted for permits for construction of new homes, miscellaneous alterations and additions to existing homes as well as a change of ​use permit to add a second unit within a home.
  • See the Submission Requirements guide prior to applying.
  • To apply online: ​Brampton Building and Business Portal

Once your application has been approved, ​you will be required to pay any outstanding fees. Once fees are received, the permit must be issued for you to book inspections through our online Brampton Building and Business Portal. Please visit the Inspections Page for details on when and how to book your inspections.

Contact Planning, Building and Growth Management

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road, Unit 1,
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 5T1