​​​​​​​​​From July 1 to August 1, show off your green thumb and share your beautiful gardens!

The City of Brampton, in partnership with the Brampton Horticultural Society and Chinguacousy Garden Club, invites residents to submit pictures of their front gardens to have their hard work in beautifying Brampton recognized.

Those recognized will be contacted in early September. Good luck!

Photo Submission Criteria

  • One photo per household
  • Landscape (horizontal) view that encompasses the entire front garden
  • No pets, people or easily identifiable house numbers must be shown
  • Aim to take the photo day time for best lighting
  • Acceptable file formats are JPG or PNG (in high-resolution quality)
  • Photo must be submitted using the registration form (coming soon) ​or sharing #GardensofBrampton​
  • Best location to photograph your garden is from the curb view

Judging Criteria

  • Visual Appeal: the overall visual impact; colour and texture; a pleasing sense of harmony and balance
  • Overall Appearance: a good use of space, design coordination between plants and other elements
  • General Maintenance: the quality of care in pruning; weed and disease control; taking into consideration of environment methods (mulching, drought tolerant planting)
  • Individuality: the creative use of special features such as ponds, garden sculpture, rockeries or a themed garden ​

Tips for a beautiful and green garden

  • Pay attention to how sunlight passes through your yard before choosing a spot for your garden. Most edible plants, including many vegetables, herbs, and fruits, need at least 6 hours of sun in order to thrive.
  • Water your garden regularly. Mornings are the best time.
  • Mulch around trees and shrubs to prevent weeds – check out this video to learn more.
  • Attract pollinators to your garden by planting Black Eyed Susans, Salvia, Hyssop or Bergamot – check out this video to learn more.
  • Remove dying flowers and prune back any dead branches from shrubs
  • Keep garbage and recycling bins to the side of the house.
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2023 program photos

Front Garden Recognition Program

As part of the Brampton Grow Green Environmental Master Plan, we are committed to being a Green City that is healthy, resilient, environmentally sustainable – and beautiful!

Brampton is home to many front gardens, and we know residents take pride in keeping them green and beautiful. From July 25 to August 8, residents were invited to share a photo of their front garden with us. The City, along with the Brampton Horticultural Society and Chinguacousy Garden Club will recognize the best Brampton best gardens!​​

Share photos of your garden with us using


Gardening Tips from Brampton Parks

Our Partners
Brampton Horticultureal Society Logo Chinguacousy Garden Club Logo​​

Contact Community Gardens
