Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) prohibits the smoking of tobacco, vaping of any substance and the smoking of cannabis in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places, as well as other designated places in Ontario, including:
- Enclosed public places and workplaces, including workplace vehicles
- Child care facilities
- On and within 20 metres of community recreational facility property
- On and within 9 metres of bar/restaurant patios
- On and within 20 metres of school property
- On and within 20 metres of playgrounds and sporting and spectator areas
- All hospital property (indoors and outdoors)
- Long-term care homes (indoors and within 9 metres of exits and entrances)
- Motor vehicles while another person who is less than 16 years of age is present
- Common areas (hallways, stairwells, elevators) of multi-unit residences
Peel Public Health enforces the provincial
Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017. The act helps reduce youth access to tobacco and vapour products (e.g. electronic cigarettes), and protects the public from second-hand tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke and vapour from e-cigarettes. The following by-laws supplement the Smoke-Free Ontario Act:
Region of Peel By-law No. 49-2019 - A By-law to prohibit Smoking and Vaping in Outdoor Public Places and Workplaces and to repeal By-law 20-2013.
Region of Peel By-law No. 30-2016 - A By-law to regulate waterpipe smoking in the Regional Municipality of Peel.
Peel Region's website for additional information.