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​​​The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017)​ prohibits the smoking of tobacco, vaping of any substance and the smoking of cannabis in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places, as well as other designated places in Ontario, including:​

  • Enclosed public places and workplaces, including workplace vehicles
  • Child care facilities
  • On and within 20 metres of community recreational facility property
  • On and within 9 metres of bar/restaurant patios
  • On and within 20 metres of school property
  • On and within 20 metres of playgrounds and sporting and spectator areas
  • All hospital property (indoors and outdoors)
  • Long-term care homes (indoors and within 9 metres of exits and entrances)
  • Motor vehicles while another person who is less than 16 years of age is present
  • Common areas (hallways, stairwells, elevators) of multi-unit residences

Peel Public Health enforces the provincial Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017. The act helps reduce youth access to tobacco and vapour products (e.g. electronic cigarettes), and protects the public from second-hand tobacco smoke, cannabis smoke​ and vapour from e-cigarettes. The following by-laws supplement the Smoke-Free Ontario Act:

Region of Peel By-law No. 49-2019 - A By-law to prohibit Smoking and Vaping in Outdoor Public Places and Workplaces and to repeal By-law 20-2013.

Region of Peel By-law No. 30-2016 - A By-law to regulate waterpipe smoking in the Regional Municipality of Peel.

Visit Peel Region's website​ for additional information.

Contact By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement, Property Standards and Licensing Divisions

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road South, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Contact By-Law Enforcement

Phone Service Brampton 24/7:
Dial 3-1-1 (within City limits)
905.874.2000 (outside City limits)
905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)