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​​A residential driveway is a hard and level surface where vehicles can drive and park. A driveway may consist of asphalt, pavement, concrete, patterned concrete, compacted gravel/dirt, interlocking brick and paving stone. The driveway includes walkways and borders that run parallel to the parking surface, and extends to the street edge.

The City of​ Brampton regulates driveway dimensions in order to maintain proper drainage and appropriate community standards.


In general, the maximum permitted width of a driveway is based on the total width of the property.

Property Width

Less than 8.23 metres (27’): driveway may be no wider than 4.9 metres (16’)

8.23 metres (27’) to 9.14 metres (30’): driveway may be no wider than 5.2 metres (17’)

9.14 metres (30’) to 15.24 metres (50’): driveway may be no wider than 6.71 metres (22’)

15.24 metres (50’) to 18.3 metres (60’): driveway may be no wider than 7.32 metres (24’)

Greater than 18.3 metres (60’): driveway may be no wider than 9.14 metres (30’) or the width of the garage (whichever is greater)

*For driveways on the side lot line of any lot, it must be no wider than 6.71 metres (22’) or the width of the garage (whichever is greater).

Contact Zoning Services for driveway allowances for the following property types:

  • A lot with an irregular shape
  • A pie-shaped lot
  • A corner lot

Permeable Landscape

Property owners must maintain a portion of permeable landscape with a minimum 0.6 metres (2’), between the driveway and the side lot line. Permeable landscape includes surfaces such as grass, trees, shrubs, flowers, or any other surface that allows water to be absorbed by the ground.


A Fill Permit may be required before widening a driveway, as there may be changes in the landscape and/or grade of the property. Fill is any type of material deposited or placed on lands, and may include soil, stone, concrete, asphalt, sod or turf.

In order to cut a curb to widen a driveway, a Road Occupancy and Access Permit is required.​​​​​​​​​​​​

Contact By-law Enforcement

By-law Enforcement, Property Standards and Licensing Divisions

Flower City Community Campus
8850 McLaughlin Road South, Unit 2
Brampton, ON L6Y 5T1

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

Contact By-Law Enforcement

Phone Service Brampton 24/7:
Dial 3-1-1 (within City limits)
905.874.2000 (outside City limits)
905.874.2130 (Teletypewriter or Text Telephone)