​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​City of Brampton Coyotes are those of an Eastern Coyote averaging a weight of approximately 31​-40 lbs. Coyotes are integral members of a diversified ecosystem and contribute to a necessary and healthy prey-predator balance. They are known as our natural garbage collectors. We benefit tremendously from their activities, however, human-coyote conflicts may arise when we intentionally feed them or inadvertently create opportunities for free-food around our City.​

​​Can coyotes be trapped and relocated?

The Ontario Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act prohibits anyone from releasing live wildlife more than one kilometre from where it is trapped. Contraventions of the Act carry a penalty of up to $25,000 and imprisonment for up to one year. The requirement to release trapped wildlife in close proximity ensures that wildlife remains in its home range area and minimizes the potential spread of disease and parasites to protect people and wildlife in our community and throughout the province.

Trapping and relocating is ineffectiv​e as coyotes will return in a short period of time if moved and can travel long distances in a few days. Additionally, removing coyotes often has the opposite of the intended effect and can increase local coyote populations as new animals move into the vacated area.

​​Submit Coyote Sighting​​​

Coyote Sighting Map

​​​The following interactive map shows reported coyote sightings within the City of Brampton. Coyotes, like any urban wildlife in Brampton, are common in our communities. Animal Services would like to remind residents that coyotes are an important part of our ecosystem, are normally shy and will avoid human contact. The number of coyote sightings reported represents the number of times a coyote has been observed. Since the same coyote can be observed numerous times, the number of sightings is not associated with the number of coyotes in our city.

Quick Tips

  • Zoom in and out using your mouse scroll wheel, the plus and minus buttons (top left), or by clicking on a feature and using the 'Zoom To' option in the pop-up.
  • Use the Home icon on the left to return to the default map view.
  • Use the 'My Location' button underneath the Home icon to zoom to your location.
  • Click on the pawprint to view and filter the coyote sightings by type.
  • Click on the left calendar icon to view and filter the coyote sightings by year, and the right calendar icon to filter by month.
  • Click on the map pin to search for sightings at a specific address or location on the map.
  • Access sighting details by expanding the table at the bottom, or by clicking on a sighting in the map.​​​