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Proposed Zoning & Mapping

​​​​​​​​​​​​The Project Team has released the Second Draft of the New Comprehensive Zoning By-law. This draft is for consultation purposes only and is not in effect. Associated mapping and schedules can be viewed on our interactive mapping application.

The zoning information displayed was compiled in July 2024 and may not reflect the most up-to-date zoning information. For current zoning information inquires please contact Zoning Information Services (e:; t: 905-874-2090). The proposed zoning for individual properties may be updated to better reflect existing conditions and Council directions upon further assessment.

For general questio​ns about the proposed zoning, please email the project team: If you have specific comments about the proposed zoning of your property, please email your comment to us (and identify the address of the property in the email). You may also wish to sign up for periodic project updates and/or register for Formal Notification / Interested Party List.


Know The Zoning of Your Property

The interactive mapping application below shows the in-effect zoning (By-law 270-2004, as amended) and the parental zoning and schedules​ in the current version of the proposed Comprehensive Zoning By-law for all properties in Brampton.

This web application displays the current and proposed zoning. The current zoning is displayed on the right side, and the proposed zoning is displayed on the left. Click and drag the vertical bar to see how the zoning changes. Click on an individual property for more zoning information. There are additional functions (e.g. search, legend, layer visibility) at the top-right corner.

The Second Draft of the New Zoning By-law introduces the concept of a Zone Label. A Zone Label is comprised of a zone symbol as set out in Section 1.8 of the draft zoning by-law and may consist of other components relating holding provisions, permitted property width, permitted building height range, permitted density (FSI or floor space index) range, and site-specific exceptions. Not every zone uses every suffix & prefix. Please see Section 1.9.B of the Second Draft of the New Zoning By-law for more information.​


Work on the current zoning’s site-specific exceptions are ongoing. The underlying zone of a property may be updated to better align with the intent of the propsoed zoning in the draft New Zoning By-law. These updates may occur periodically on the interactive mapping application prior to the release of the Third Draft of the New Zoning By-law. Site-specific zoning regulations for the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law will be identified and displayed as part of the Third Draft.


This web application is for engagement purposes only. Content displayed may not be up to-date. Updates to both current and proposed zoning may be posted periodically and without prior notice.

Specifically, existing site specific exceptions (i.e. Exception Zones), including their proposed parental zones in the new Zoning By-law, are currently under review. The proposed zone categories, codes, labels and names, as well as the associated draft regulations and performance standards, are based on the latest proposal and are subject to change.

For up to-date info and interpretation of the current zoning of your pro​perty, please visit Zoning Online or contact the City's Zoning Section (e:; t: 905.874.2090).​​

Questions or Comments?