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Chinguacousy Road Züm Project

​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

Route 4/4A Chinguacousy is one of the bus​iest conventional bus routes within the City of Brampton. As a result of increased ridership along the Chinguacousy Road corridor, a new Züm service be implemented to accommodate this demand. This new Züm service along the Chinguacousy Road corridor is in line with the recommendations found in Brampton Transit's latest five-year business plan (2023-2027), as well as the City of Brampton’s Transportation Master Plan (2015).

Chinguacousy Züm will connect Cassie Campbell Recreation Centre at Sandalwood Parkway to the Bramalea GO Station on Steeles Avenue via Chinguacousy Road and Steeles Avenue. See planned route map below:

​Map of Proposed Chinguacousy Züm Service

Construction Details

Construction of the Züm Chinguacousy infrastructure will start in 2024. The launch date of this service will be aligned with the launch of the Hazel McCallion LRT, as some of the resources from the current 502 Züm Main service will be realigned to the Chinguacousy Road corridor.

The City of Brampton continues to support Metrolinx on the construction of the Hazel​ McCallion LRT. Details on the Hazel McCallion LRT can be found here​.

Contact the Project Team​

​​Chris Lafleur, A.Sc.T
Project Leader, Higher Order Transit, EA
City of Brampton
905.874.2750 X 62620​