Our mission is to actively engage youth in the civic, social and economic life of our city. We are committed to creating new opportunities that empower young individuals and allow them to contribute their unique perspectives and skills. 

This strategy is designed to connect with youth across Brampton, fostering environments where they can learn, grow and influence the community positively. Through targeted programs, collaborative projects, and inclusive forums, we aim to enhance their involvement in decision-making processes and community planning. 

Our goal is not only to listen to the voices of our young citizens but to integrate their ideas into tangible changes and developments within Brampton. By engaging youth, we cultivate a city that is vibrant, innovative and forward-thinking, ready to meet future challenges with fresh solutions and strong leadership from the next generation. 

​Join us as we build a more inclusive and engaging Brampton, where every young person could make a difference and shape the future of our city. ​​