​BRAMPTON, ON (August 23, 2022) – Nominations for Brampton’s 2022 Municipal and School Board Election closed last week on Friday, August 19.

The official list of candidates, as certified by the City Clerk, is available on the City’s website at www.brampton.ca/bramptonvotes.

Elected by Acclamation

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, states that, if, at 4 pm on the Monday following Nomination Day, the number of certified candidates for an office is the same as or less than the number to be elected, the Clerk shall immediately declare the candidate or candidates elected by acclamation. Only one nomination has been received for the office of Trustee, Conseil scolaire Viamonde. This makes the successful candidate, Yvon Rochefort, elected by acclamation.


• The 2022 Municipal and School Board Election will take place on Monday, October 24. Voting hours are from 10 am to 8 pm.
• Voting location information will be available on the City’s website in September.
• If you can’t make it on October 24, consider voting at any of the Advance Voting days on October 7, 8, 9, 14 or 15. Advance Voting information will be available on the City’s website in September. Advance Voting is also a good option for members of the community who may be busy celebrating Diwali and Bandi Chhor Divas, which fall on the same day as Voting Day this year.
• Proxy voting: If you are an eligible Brampton voter who can’t make it on Voting Day or any of the Advance Voting dates, you may appoint another eligible Brampton voter to vote on your behalf. Any person whose name is on the Voters’ List or who has been added to the Voters’ List may vote by proxy. More information about proxy voting will be available on the City’s website soon.
• Home Voting service: Eligible voters who are homebound due to illness, injury or disability may apply to vote using the Home Voting service on October 11, 12 and 13. Limited appointments will be available to those who meet the eligibility requirements. More information about the service and appointment process will be available on the City’s website soon.
• Bring your ID: Voters must bring one piece of identification showing their name and qualifying Brampton address with them to vote. Refer to the list of acceptable documents for identification prior to voting.
• Apply now to become a Municipal Election worker and assist with the administrative and customer service functions on Voting Day. More than 2,000 positions are available. Preference will be given to Brampton residents 18 years or older. This is a great opportunity to gain new skills, get to know City staff and connect with your community.
• Third Party Advertising: Potential third party advertisers may file a registration to advertise in Brampton until October 21. Information about third party advertising, eligibility requirements and the registration process is available here.

For more information about the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election, visit www.brampton.ca/bramptonvotes.

Media Relations, City of Brampton