BRAMPTON, ON (June 10, 2022) – In line with the Government of Ontario lifting provincial masking requirements on public transit, the City of Brampton will lift the mask mandate on Brampton Transit buses and inside terminals at 12 am on Saturday, June 11, 2022.
The City will begin to update and remove all signage that states masks are mandatory starting June 11, which will take several days to complete. Customers are asked to respect those who choose to continue to wear masks in settings where they are no longer required. Customers are also reminded to stay safe and help protect others by carrying hand sanitizer, washing their hands frequently and staying home and not traveling if feeling unwell.
Visit or follow @bramptontransit on Twitter for service updates. Questions may be directed to Brampton Transit’s Contact Centre at 905.874.2999.
The City thanks customers for doing their part throughout the pandemic by physically distancing, practising good hygiene and wearing masks to help stop the spread. Customers should continue to put the health and safety of the community first by staying home if sick, and getting vaccinated and boosted against COVID-19. For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 vaccinations, visit the Province’s vaccine portal.
