From left to right: Deputy Fire Chief Rob Martin, Deputy Fire Chief Andrew Von Holt, Sparky the Fire Dog, and Fire Chief Bill Boyes from Brampton Fire and Emergency Services​
BRAMPTON, ON (October 25, 2021) – Today, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services, Enbridge Gas, and the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council announced they are working together to improve home safety and bring fire and carbon monoxide-related deaths down to zero.
Through the program’s sponsor Enbridge Gas, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services received 606 combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms through Safe Community Project Zero, a public education campaign that will provide over 16,600 alarms to residents in 70 municipalities across Ontario. These alarms will be distributed to residents in Brampton over the coming months.
This year, Enbridge Gas invested $500,000 in Safe Community Project Zero, and over the past 13 years, the program has provided more than 68,000 alarms to Ontario fire departments. Brampton Fire and Emergency Services has provided over 3,000 alarms to members of the Brampton community through Project Zero.
When properly installed and maintained, combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms help provide the early warning signs to safely escape from a house fire or carbon monoxide exposure. Carbon monoxide is a toxic, odourless gas that is a by-product of incomplete combustion of many types of common fuels.
“Partnerships like this help to improve the well-being of our community and contribute to Brampton being a Healthy and Safe City. Thank you to Enbridge Gas for your ongoing support and donation, you are a true partner in public safety. Participating in Project Zero will help us get smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to our residents, ensuring they and their loved ones are kept safe.”
- Patrick Brown, Mayor, City of Brampton

“We all play a part in keeping our community Healthy and Safe, and I thank our local partners at Enbridge Gas for doing their part in supporting Brampton. This partnership is key to ensuring our community is kept informed on how they can better protect themselves and those they live with. With 100% of our efforts combined, I know we’ll reach our goal of zero.”
- Rowena Santos, Regional Councillor, Wards 1 & 5; Chair, Community Services, City of Brampton

“Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms save lives. Unfortunately, we still encounter situations where alarms are not maintained or are disconnected intentionally. A properly installed smoke and carbon monoxide alarm should be located outside of all sleeping areas. Ensure you have the proper alarms in your home for people of all abilities – bed shakers and strobe alarms are available for people with disabilities. Safety is your responsibility. Join us for Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week November 1 – 7 for details on how to stay safe.”
- Bill Boyes, Fire Chief, Brampton Fire and Emergency Services

“Carbon monoxide is known as the ‘silent killer’ for a reason, and we have proof that prevention saves lives. We know that the best way to avoid carbon monoxide exposure is to eliminate it at the source by properly maintaining fuel-burning equipment, and that the alarms are a critical second line of defense to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning.”
- Biké Balkanci, Director, GTA West/Niagara Operations, Enbridge Gas

“The objective of Safe Community Project Zero is to deliver combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to Ontario communities who need them the most. It’s a program that fire departments can adopt to help educate their communities about the requirement for all Ontario homes to have a CO alarm if they have a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage.”
- Jon Pegg, Ontario Fire Marshal and Chair of the Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council


As one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, Brampton is home to 700,000 people and 75,000 businesses. People are at the heart of everything we do. We are energized by our diverse communities, we attract investment, and we are embarking on a journey to lead technological and environmental innovation. We partner for progress to build a healthy city that is safe, sustainable and successful. Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Learn more at

Jacqueline Fulton
Senior Advisor, Media Relations, City of Brampton
416.806.7448 |

Kathy Ash, Fire Marshal’s Public Fire Safety Council
1-866-379-6668 ext. 105 |

Enbridge Gas Media
1-855-884-5112 |