Co-hosted by Ryerson University’s Cybersecure Catalyst and the
Canadian Centre for Cyber Security at Lionhead Golf Club on Thursday, April 25, 2019
BRAMPTON, ON (April 18, 2019) – On Thursday, April 25, leaders from the cybersecurity and advanced manufacturing sectors, senior government officials, academic researchers and representatives of law enforcement will gather at the Make IT Secure 2019 one-day conference in Brampton to discuss cyber threats to Canada’s manufacturing sector and how those threats can be managed and mitigated.
Make IT Secure 2019 is co-hosted by Ryerson University’s new Brampton-based centre for cybersecurity, called Cybersecure Catalyst, and the Government of Canada’s Canadian Centre for Cyber Security. The conference is presented by the City of Brampton.
Keynote speakers and panellists will include senior leaders from Siemens Canada, Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, RCMP, Bombardier, Cisco, Herjavec Group, Blackberry and Palo Alto Networks, among others.
Members of the business and manufacturing community are invited to attend. For more details and event registration, visit makeitsecure.ca. To receive 50% off tickets, enter discount code “ECO2019”.
“There is an urgent need for trained cybersecurity professionals worldwide. Canada has a seven per cent annual growth rate in labour demand and the global cybersecurity industry is expected to reach an annual US $200 billion by 2023. The City of Brampton is partnering with Ryerson University to build a Brampton-based national centre for cybersecurity – creating jobs and resources to tackle this serious global challenge.”
- Mayor Patrick Brown
“We are incredibly excited to co-host this gathering of leaders to discuss cybersecurity in the manufacturing sector. The manufacturing sector is changing rapidly, and we all need to be concerned about cyber threats to this critical sector of the Canadian economy. This is the first conference co-hosted by Cybersecure Catalyst as we build up our centre in Brampton, and we can’t wait to welcome participants from across Brampton, Ontario, Canada and the US.”
- Charles Finlay, Executive Director, Cybersecure Catalyst, Ryerson University
Cybersecure Catalyst, Ryerson University's new Brampton-based national centre for innovation and collaboration in cybersecurity, was announced in September 2018. The Catalyst will empower Canadians and Canadian businesses to take the opportunities and tackle the challenges of cybersecurity through training and certification; commercial acceleration and support for cyber scale-ups; support applied R&D; and public education. The Catalyst's activities will be driven by strong partnerships with industry leaders across Canada and in Brampton, and close collaboration with governments and public agencies working in this vital field.
For more information about Cybersecure Catalyst visit www.cybersecurecatalyst.ca
For more information about Canadian Center for Cyber Security, visit https://www.cyber.gc.ca/en/
For more information about the City of Brampton, visit www.brampton.ca or follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.