Residents of all ages invited to discuss how to make Brampton a better place to live.​​​

BRAMPTON, ON – As part of the City of Brampton’s ongoing work to develop an age-friendly strategy, residents are invited to join the conversation on how to make Brampton a better place to live at all stages of life.

The City, with support from Sheridan College, is holding its first Age-Friendly Forum on Saturday, January 19 from 9:30 am to 2 pm. The event will take place at the Flower City Seniors Centre (8870 McLaughlin Road South).

This free event is open to residents of all ages. Highlights include:
• Keynote speech by Gil Penalosa, founder of internationally recognized non-profit organization 8 80 Cities. The organization was created based on a simple but powerful philosophy: “if you create a great city for an eight-year-old and an 80-year-old, you will create a successful city for all people”.
• Presentations, activities and information booths
• Door prizes and giveaways
• Morning coffee and light lunch

The City’s age-friendly strategy will help ensure residents have the services and support they need to stay healthy and enjoy a high quality of life at every age. It focuses on key areas used by the World Health Organization to define age-friendly communities, including public transportation, housing, public buildings and outdoor spaces, employment, social inclusion and community services.

Space at the forum is limited and registration is required. To register, visit or call 905.874.2054.

“Brampton is one of Canada’s youngest cities, but we also have a rapidly growing population of people over the age of 50. When we’re talking about how to make Brampton an even better place to live, it’s important for people of all ages to be part of the conversation.”
- Mayor Patrick Brown

Brampton is thinking bigger. We are a future ready organization with a sharp focus. We know our community’s growth, youth and diversity set us apart. We sit at the centre of Canada’s innovation super corridor, encouraging investment and growing our global success. We are building vibrant urban centres that ignite opportunity and instill pride in the people who live and work here. We are moving Brampton forward to be a connected city that is innovative, inclusive and bold. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Learn more at
Christine Sharma
Media Coordinator, City of Brampton | 905.874.2880