BRAMPTON, ON (May 22, 2019) – At its special council meeting yesterday evening, Brampton City Council unanimously passed a motion to maintain the upper tier Region of Peel governance structure and City of Brampton Council structure. The motion resolved:
“THAT, with the support of Brampton residents, and in the best interest of protecting Peel Region taxpayers, that Brampton City Council endorses maintaining the upper tier governance structure of Peel Region and the lower tier structure of City Council.
THAT, the City of Brampton advise the Government of Ontario accordingly.”
This decision to protect the taxpayers of Peel Region was submitted to the Special Advisors, who are leading the Province’s Review of regional governments.
Council received independent analysis from Deloitte that indicates dissolving the Region of Peel would cost the taxpayers of Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon more.
Ernst & Young (E&Y) also provided financial analysis that verifies the higher cost impact to Peel taxpayers in all three communities that would result from upper tier governance changes.
As an extension of Brampton’s Term of Council priority to deliver a well-run city through the stewardship of assets and services, the City is committed to finding efficiencies to best deliver services for Brampton residents.
Since April, the City actively engaged residents and other stakeholders on the three options for regional governance:
• become a standalone City (i.e. dissolving the Region)
• merge three municipalities into a larger City
• leave the current structure unchanged
Earlier this year, the Province of Ontario began reviewing regional governments to ensure municipal and regional governments are working as effectively and efficiently as possible, and can continue to provide the vital services that communities depend on. The final decision on regional governance rests with the Province of Ontario and is expected in 2019.
• The City
engaged the community in a number of ways, including by Telephone Town Hall, a Town Hall meeting, online survey, a detailed scientific study conducted by a third-party and an online contact form on the City’s website
• The majority of the comments received from the public were
in favour of keeping the current structure of the Region of Peel
• The cost of breaking away from the Region was cited a major public concern with respect to cost and service delivery
• Public polling of Brampton residents by Mainstreet Research found that nearly 7 out of 10 residents (66.4%) support maintaining the current upper tier Peel Region governance structure
• The Province of Ontario, through the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, is expected to announce their proposed recommendations
• A decision will be made after the Province’s Special Advisors submit their recommendations (early Summer 2019) to the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing
Quote“Council heard clearly from residents that continuing with the existing Peel Region and City Council governance structures was the preferred option. The public’s primary concern was uncertainty around cost, and we are committed to finding efficiencies and protecting taxpayers. Our goal is to ensure that our services are delivered in the most cost effective way possible. Both independent financial analyses by E&Y and Deloitte clearly state regional dissolution or amalgamation costs taxpayers more in Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon. Our submission to the Province is to continue the Region of Peel and put taxpayers first.”
Mayor Patrick Brown
As one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, Brampton is home to 650,000 people and 70,000 businesses. People are at the heart of everything we do. We are energized by our diverse communities, we attract investment, and we are embarking on a journey to lead technological and environmental innovation. We partner for progress to build a healthy city that is safe, sustainable and successful. Connect with us on
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MEDIA CONTACTNatalie Stogdill
Senior Advisor, Public Relations, City of Brampton
905.874.3654 |