BRAMPTON, ON (July 19, 2021) – The City of Brampton’s Parks Cleanup program is in full swing until November 1, and you can help clean up parks in our community for everyone to enjoy.
How does the Parks Cleanup work?
Leading a cleanup is easy. Simply select a local park, register your cleanup allowing five days for our team to deliver your supplies (bags and gloves), then get outside and complete your cleanup! Don’t forget to send photos of your day to and tag us when you share on social media, @CityBrampton.
We encourage you to help keep litter off the ground and in the garbage, get involved in our community, and maintain our beautiful parks and green spaces. Visit for full details and to register.
The Parks Cleanup is sponsored by CN.
Meet Bill. He keeps our city clean and green. Be like Bill.
Longtime Bramptonian Bill Godfrey started his cleanup journey more than three years ago when he noticed garbage in a nearby ravine. He started cleaning the ravine litter – some that had been around for decades – and then expanded his efforts to other nearby areas.
Soon after, he created a volunteer group called P.A.L. (People Against Littering). Each week, more than 10 volunteers gather to cleanup garbage in local parks and spaces.
“Our goal is to unite the community into a powerful force to take back control of our parks and streets from litter bugs and litter thugs,” said Bill.
“The feeling is almost addictive,” he said. “It is also a thrill to see others smiling and enjoying areas that we have cleaned up and to be appreciated by them.”
Bill has a message for all Bramptonians: “Folks, pick the litter up! If we all picked up just five pieces of litter a week, that would have a major impact.”
Christine Sharma
Media Relations, City of Brampton
647.242.4319 |