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Electric Bus Demonstration & Integration Trial

Electric Bus Demonstration & Integration Trial

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Brampton Transit is proud to be participating in the first-of-its kind electric bus demonstration and integration trial. The unprecedented initiative has brought multiple levels of government, bus and charger manufacturers, system integrators, academia, and funding partners together to implement electric buses in Brampton.

This project is the largest single global deployment of standardized and fully interoperable battery electric buses and high powered overhead on-route ​charging systems.

Brampton is a Green City

The City of Brampton is working on several initiatives under the Term of Council Priority that Brampton is a Green City, building on Brampton's commitment to sustainability by improving transit and active transportation opportunities, focusing on energy efficiency, and revitalizing natural spaces and the urban tree canopy, including: