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Am I on the List?

Helpful Hints....

Do not include a unit number, just the street address.  Once you start entering in your street name a list of possibilities will appear, and you can click on your street from this list.

  • Use your full first and last names – do not use middle names.  If you do not get a positive response, is it possible you are listed by a shortened first name?  For example, if your name is Robert, try Bob.
  • Do you have a two-part surname?  You may need spaces. For example, if your last name is McDonald or DaSilva, and you do not get a positive response try Mc Donald or Da Silva.
If you have tried all of the above and still cannot be found on the Voters’ List, you may need to be added to the list. You can be added at any Advance Voting location or your Voting Day location. You can also pick up an Application to Amend the Voters' List form from the Clerk's Office at City Hall to take with you to the voting location. To ensure you are an eligible voter, review the voter eligibility requirements. Voters being added to the list are required to show proof of name, address and citizenship.
For additional information, call the Election Office at (905) 874-2424.