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Voters Experiencing Homelessness

Eligible voters who do not have a permanent residence can vote in the 2022 Municipal and School Board Election. 

If a voter does not have identification showing a qualifying address and is not on the Voters' List, they should attend the City Clerk's Office at City Hall, during regular business hours, to complete an Affidavit of Residence. The place where the voter has returned the most often to eat or sleep in the past five (5) weeks is considered their residence. The voter's declaration regarding the place to which they return to eat or sleep during a given period of time is conclusive, in the absence of evidence to the contrary. The Affidavit becomes the proof of qualifying address and the voter can vote at any voting location during Advance Voting or vote at any location within their ward of residence on Voting Day. In order to be added to the Voters' List, the voter must also complete an Application to Amend the Voters' List when attending the City Clerk's Office. 

If the voter is already on the Voters' List and does not have identification showing their name and qualifying address, the voter can complete a ​Declaration of Identity form at an Advance Voting or Voting Day location.

A complete list of acceptable identification showing name and address can be found by clicking here. 


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