The City of Brampton’s By-law Enforcement Division is tasked with ensuring that Accessible Parking Spaces throughout the City are monitored and remain available for those who properly display valid Accessible Parking Permits. In addition to having officers on patrol, local citizens may identify vehicles that they have observed parked in an Accessible Parking Space without a valid permit. When such an observation has been made, however the vehicle has left before an officer could attend, the complainant fills out the Citizen Report Form. Citizens are asked to keep their own safety in mind when they observe an incident. They are asked to wait for a safe opportunity to document the specific details on the form.
It is stressed that citizens should never interact with the driver of the vehicle they are trying to report or do anything to jeopardize public safety. The
form is easy to fill out and strictly confidential. The completed
forms are then received electronically at Enforcement & By-law Services. When the form is received, the information is reviewed. If found accurate, contact with the registered owner is initiated by mailing a letter to the plate owner. The letter highlights the date, location and the reported violation in which the vehicle was involved. The registered owner is requested to assist the community by ensuring that Accessible Parking Spaces remain available for those who require them.
The resident reporting the infraction remains anonymous. If an incomplete form is submitted, no action is taken. Any letter sent out is kept on file, along with the Citizen Report Form. You may be contacted regarding the incident should we require additional information about the infraction.
An Enforcement Officer may visit a repeat offender, however a ticket may only be issued in instances where the Officer observes a violation.