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Driveway Paving Information Course

​​​​​​​​​​New Rules for Driveway Paving Contractors

To support contractors and homeowners and ensure reliable construction, the City of Brampton has strengthened rules for contractors performing driveway paving work.

On February 17, 2021 City Council approved amendments to Schedule 9 of Business Licensing By-law 332-2013, relating to Driveway Paving Contractors.

What has changed?

Effective March 2021:

Contractors are required to submit a $5,000 security deposit and complete an online training program administered by the City. These requirements must be met prior to a licence being renewed or issued by the City.

Licence applications and renewals must be submitted through the new online application process. Driveway Paving Contractors may book an appointment ​to attend City Hall to provide the required security deposit or submit security deposit in the City Clerks Office drop box at the 24 hour lobby at City Hall – select Driveway Paving & Pool Installation Contractors.

Property owners must ensure that the contrac​tor performing driveway paving work on their property is licensed by the City of Brampton. A list of licensed contractors is available here.

Both contractors and residents are responsible for ensuring that construction is in line with City by-laws, to help create safer homes and an attractive community. Failure to follow the rules could result in penalties issued to both contractor and the homeowner.

Read the FAQs below for more details. For additional queries, contact 905.874.2580 or email​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Registration Process


Step One:​

Step Two:

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‭(Hidden)‬ Registration Process

FAQs for Contractors

No. The test is administered in English. If you require any background info in other languages, you can access our interpretation services by calling 311.​

Yes, training is mandatory for driveway sealing too, however, they do not have to pay a security deposit.​

The course will be available on the City website towards the end of March 2021. There is no fee required to take the online training course. Contractors must score a minimum 75% to pass the training. The By-law requires either the contractor or an employee, who has successfully completed the City of Brampton Driveway Paving Information course and test, to be onsite at all times when driveway paving work is being carried out. Failure to have a qualified employee onsite is a violation of the Licensing By-law.​

To make sure that you are current and up to date on any changes to the Zoning and Licensing By-laws and associated requirements.​

Yes, any area in the front/side yard where a vehicle can be parked on is considered a driveway, including paved walkways adjacent to existing driveways. 

The new rules were introduced to protect homeowners from illegal construction on their driveways. Between 2018-2020, the City was alerted of more than 1,627 instances where driveway widening or paving work was in violation of the zoning requirements. By providing a mandatory training to contractors, the City is providing greater clarity on the zoning rules before they undertake work in Brampton.

​Contractors may book appointments to visit City Hall on Wednesdays throughout April. To book an appointment visit the City website​

If you started work in 2020 and want to renew your license, you must complete the training. All licence renewals and applications require the contractor to complete the required training and submit the security deposit, submit all required documentation and pay the annual licensing fee prior to the licence being issued. The same applies for any work began in early 2021 and is underway. The licence must be renewed prior to expiry. ​

If the City find the contractor in breach of the Zoning or Licensing By-law, the security deposit will be used towards the City’s inspection and administrative costs. The security deposit will not be adjusted towards any penalties or fines laid against the contractor or homeowner or towards correcting any illegal construction.​

Contractor and their employees who are performing work on Brampton properties. The licensed contractor or at least one of their licensed employees who have passed the course must be onsite at all times when the driveway paving work is carried out.​

The new rules include mandatory online training for contractors for renewing an existing licence and for new licence applicants. Contractors are also required to submit a $5,000 security deposit to the City Both conditions must be met as part of the contractors licensing process. A contractor must be licenced prior to completing any driveway paving work in Brampton.​

The online training allows you to take the test multiple times until you meet the minimum score.​

Contractors can provide the $5,000 security deposit either as a certified cheque or bank draft; or a Letter of Credit, which must be submitted in the form as prescribed by the City of Brampton. If providing a certified cheque or bank draft, include the Security Deposit Acknowledgment. This can be mailed to the City at City Clerks, 1st Floor, 2 Wellington Street West,Brampton, ON or in person by making an online appointme​nt at ​Due to COVID-19 health and safety measures in place, walk-ins are not​ permitted. Be sure to book an appointment. ​

Those in violation of the Zoning By-law can be charged up to $50,000. Additionally, under the Business Licensing By-law, fines range from $500 to $10,000 can be issued for each offence, up to a maximum of $100,000.​

‭(Hidden)‬ Training Video

FAQs for Homeowners

Make sure that the contractor is licensed by the City of Brampton. This ensures that the contractors have undergone the mandatory online training  to educate them to ensure that any construction carried out is in line with the relevant by-laws. ​

Property owners are responsible for following City by-laws. The City will investigate and depending on the circumstances, fines could be issued to current property owners. ​

A homeowner paving their driveway as a DIY project (e.g. interlocking/pavestone) is not required to apply for a City licence or complete the online training. However, they would be liable for any work performed. It is advised that homeowners contact the City’s Zoning Office at​ before undertaking any work to check whether your plans comply with the Zoning By-law and whether a curb cut permit is required.

When the City comes across any violations, the circumstances will be investigated and the officer will determine who is responsible. Charges may be laid against the contractor and/or homeowner depending on the nature of the violation.​

Individuals could be fined up to $25,000 for violation of the Zoning By-law. ​

​The City enforces the Zoning and Business Licensing By-law. Either during routine inspections or in response to public complaints, the City can lay charges on contractors if they are found to be in violation of the relevant by-laws. ​

They must be licensed by the City of Brampton in order to work on Brampton properties.​