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Fish in our Natural Heritage System


Native Fish

Brampton's Natural Heritage System is home to a diverse range of native fish species, which play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of the local aquatic ecosystems. These native fish, such as Brook Trout, Smallmouth Bass, and Pumpkinseed Sunfish, have evolved over time to adapt to the specific conditions of their habitats. They contribute to the overall health of the waterways by regulating populations of prey species, controlling aquatic vegetation, and acting as indicators of water quality. Protecting and preserving these native fish populations is essential for maintaining the ecological integrity and biodiversity of Brampton's natural heritage.​​

Invasive Fish

Invasive fish, such as the Round Goby and Common Carp, outcompete native fish for food and habitat, disrupting the delicate balance of the aquatic environment. They can also introduce diseases and parasites that can harm native fish populations. To combat this issue, residents c​an help by following responsible fishing practices, such as not releasing non-native fish into local waterways and reporting any sightings of invasive species to the appropriate authorities.​​​

Are there invasive fish species in Stormwater Ponds?

Unfortunately, yes. Invasive species of fish such as Goldfish and Koifish find their way into stormwater ponds mianly through people releasing them into the ponds. Goldfish can impact the ecology and function of stormwater ponds and can destroy natural aquatic habitats. Residents are reminded to not release goldfish in stormwater ponds and to return it to your local pet store or give it away. Visit the Stormwater Ponds webpage for more information in the FAQs section: