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2022 Churchville Ice Jam Recovery


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Churchville neighbourhood is located on the Credit River between Steeles Avenue West and Highway 407. The low-lying neighbourhood has a long history of flooding, including at least 34 floods between 1922 and 2022 which were primarily caused by ice jams. The flood in 1987 led to the Churchville Flood Control Project which installed berms, flood walls and backflow prevention valves (Figure 1) to mitigate future flood risk from the Credit River. The total length of the berms and flood walls is approximately 875 m, of which 340 m are located on private property. The City has no easements across these private properties.

The drainage system has also been modified since the original Flood Control Project. In 2006, a new storm sewer was installed on Victoria Street to drain a new subdivision from the north down to the Credit River. Catchbasins on Victoria Street were connected to this new sewer and flap gates were installed to prevent high water levels from the Credit River backing up into the new sewer onto Victoria Street. In 2010, Peel Region replaced the storm sewer and flap gate northeast of the Churchville Road bridge during a sanitary sewer project.

An ice jam event occurred in the Churchville neighbourhood from February ​​17th to 23rd, 2022. Approximately 35 to 45 mm of rain fell overnight on February 16th over frozen ground, but during a warming period where snow was already melting. This resulted in 50 to 60 mm of runoff across the Credit River watershed. River ice quickly broke up and began to move downstream. An ice jam formed in the elbow of the Credit River downstream of the Churchville Road bridge. Rising water levels backed up through multiple storm sewer systems and may have also overtopped the berm. Approximately 15 to 20 homes were flooded, and 50 homes were asked to voluntarily evacuate. The ice remained stuck until February 23rd, 2022.

The 15 to 20 flooded homes in the Churchville neighbourhood are located within the floodplain of the Credit River. There are 550 properties in Brampton that are wholly or partially located within the floodplain of the Credit River and its tributaries.​


Response during Ice Jam

The response during this flood by the City of Brampton and CVC was immediate and commensurate, especially given the changing weather conditions throughout the event and the inherent challenges associated with ice management. There were no injuries amongst residents, City staff and contractors working on the site.​

CVC compiled the following lessons learned regarding ice jams:

1. Prediction: It is impossible to predict when or where an ice jam will occur. CVC staff can reasonably predict when weather conditions are ideal for river ice break-up; however, what the ice will do after breakup cannot be predicted. Ongoing field monitoring of conditions using flow gauges and by patrol staff is important.

2. Intervention & Blasting: The best time to blast an ice jam is right after the jam has formed because there will be sufficient flow behind the jam to clear the jam. However, unstable ice jams are unsafe for workers. Furthermore, blasting contractors have a specialized skillset and are not prevalent throughout the GTA. CVC used to perform river ice blasting as recently as the 1990s but no longer undertakes this work due to their changed mandate and budgets. The lag time for any qualified contractors to arrive on site means that the ideal blasting window is usually passed before any blasting work can start.

It is important to note that blasting ice jams can send the problem downstream if the broken up ice creates another jam. In the case of the February 2022 event, staff were mindful of this risk to Highway 407 and the City of Mississauga. City staff elected not to blast this ice jam but it was considered as a “last resort” option.

3. ​​Release without Intervention: If an ice jam develops and no mitigation efforts are applied, the following scenarios can unfold:

  • Ice jams can release by themselves.
  • Ice jams can release when a large influx of flows come from upstream.
  • Ice jams can become grounded/stuck when the water levels decline. This can persist for several days or weeks depending on conditions.
  • Ice jams can melt away. The water temperature appears to have a larger influence on the rate of melt compared to air temperature.

Disaster Relief

After a natural disaster, people may need help to cover the costs of cleaning, repairing and replacing essential property, so their lives can get back to normal. Under the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Disaster Recovery Assistance for Ontarians​ program provides financial assistance to individuals, small owner-operated businesses, farmers and not-for-profit organizations to help cover emergency expenses, repairs, or replacement of essential property after a natural disaster.

In response to the February 2022 flood event in the Churchville area, the Ontario government decided to activate the program in support of Brampton residents and families who were impacted by this incident.


City staff and CVC debriefed the February 2022 event to assess the severity and causes of flooding. The flooding appeared to have three major causes:

1. Legacy floodplain policies in Churchville

Previous policies allowed development within the Regulatory floodplain in Churchville. Today there are approximately 50 buildings in the floodplain and at least 34 floods have occurred since 1922. High water from the Credit River will always look to occupy the lowest ground nearby, including the Churchville neighbourhood.

2. Ice break-up and jamming in the river elbow​

Peak flows along most of the Credit River during the February 2022 event were equivalent to approximately a 1:10-year flood. A 1:10-year flood would normally (in the absence of ice jams) cause only minor flooding along the Credit River in low-lying areas. Peak water levels in Churchville were higher than the 1:100-year flood during the event because of the ice jam at the first elbow downstream of the Churchville Road bridge.

3. Failure of two storm sewer outfalls through the existing berms

Outfall failures at locations 4 and 5 (Figure 1) allowed flooding in the Credit River to back up into the roads and properties behind the berms and floodwalls.

A small part of the flood protection berm was overtopped at the location shown in Figure 1 but this was a minimal contribution to flooding compared to the sewer backup and surcharging.

Post-Flood Restoration

City staff restored the park, roads, swales, and bridge throughout the neighbourhood after the ice jam event. Additional details on the restoration work undertaken after the ice jam and additional work since then are provided in the attached table​​.

Condition of Flood Control Infrastructure​

City staff and contractors inspected the storm sewers, culverts, flap gates, and ditches after the ice jam to identify maintenance needs. The failures at locations 4 and 5 in Figure 1 appear to have occurred due to jammed flap gates and bolts securing manhole lids being sheared off. City staff are replacing the flap gates with new backflow prevention valves that are less prone to clogging or jamming. In addition, the manhole lids have been replaced and bolted. Storm sewers and culverts have also been flushed which will help reduce the risk of clogging the valves. City staff are assessing whether to repair or replace the culvert at location 2 in Figure 1. ​

In addition, annual operational programs moving forward will include more frequent:

  • Inspection and hand-removal of debris at outfalls;
  • CCTV of storm sewers;
  • Flushing culverts, storm sewers, and catchbasin leads; and
  • Mowing vegetation at outfalls.

Structural Assessment of Existing Flood Protection

The City retained a qualified consultant to inspect the existing floodwalls and berms, assess their structural condition, and identify any improvements needed to restore full functionality and integrity. The City's consultant completed their assessment in April 2024 and found that the flood barrier (berms and floodwalls) are in satisfactory condition. The recommended next steps include continued ​inspections and some minor repairs. In addition, the consultant recommended additional study of potential upgrades which will be considered in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA).Additional information about this project is available here.

Next Steps

In addition to ongoing operational improvements, as well as the installation of improved flap gates to replace previous ones, the City will be looking at approaches to reduce flood risk for the long term. This includes:

Identification and Assessment of Further Flood Mitigation Measures

The City will begin a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) in February 2025​ to evaluate engineering solutions for reducing flood risk in Churchville. Potential solutions may include but are not limited to retrofitting the Victoria Street storm sewer to seal and separate it from local drainage on Victoria Street. This assessment will engage residents, additional regulatory agencies (Province, CVC) and other stakeholders in floodplain management. These assessments typically take upwards of a year to be completed. Only upon completion, and on the expectation that there are meaningful solutions identified, can the City move to implement those improvements.

Development of Ice Management Plan

CVC will develop an Ice Management Plan in accordance with the changes to the Conservation Authorities Act in Bill 23. However, it is not possible to forecast an ice-jam event because the state of the science of river-ice is in its infancy.

Education and Emergency Response​

Infrastructure alone cannot protect the people and properties from all extreme rainfall, snowmelt and ice jam events because this neighbourhood is located within the Regulatory floodplain. As such, flood prevention and recovery awareness and education in addition to evacuation and emergency response will continue to be essential components of a flood risk management and reduction plan for Churchville. The City is well prepared for these emergency measures with the leadership of Brampton Fire and Emergency Services (BFES) and the Brampton Emergency Management Office (BEMO) as well as support by Brampton Transit, Public Works, and Region of Peel. The flood forecasting and warning programs run by CVC and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority will support the City in preparing for anticipated events, and the City will work with these agencies to continuously improve joint programs.​​​​​​​


Item Status: Past

  • Spread ice in parking area
  • Flushed & inspected culverts

Item Status: Past

  • Installed signs
  • Repaired lower rails and cables of bridge
  • Removed all debris within the park, parking lot and bridge
  • Inspected street lighting in parking lot
  • Reinstated/adjusted guide rails in the park and south of the bridge

Item Status: Past

  • Inspected playground
  • Inspected safety station
  • Restored grass cover
  • Regradeed parking lot and driveway in park

Item Status: Past

  • Graded the stone at Creditview and Churchville
  • Cleared plant overgrowth

Item Status: Past

  • Repaired end post on North-East corner of Bridge
  • Improved swale structure leading to catchbasin
  • Repaired and replaced signs
  • Relocated mailboxes back to firehouse

Item Status: Past

  • Repaired railing at South-West corner of Bridge

Item Status: Past

  • Inspected and cleaned outfalls and rock aprons, which will recur twice annually
  • Flushed culvert and sewers
  • Annual CCTV inspection of sewers and culverts
  • Mowed grass at outfalls, which will recur four times every growing season

Item Status: Past

  • Completed CCTV of storm sewers and culvertsy’s storm manhole covers are bolted
  • Confirmed that City’s storm manhole covers are bolted

Item Status: Past

Item Status: Past

Item Status: Current

Item Status: Future

  • Commence Municipal Class Environmental Assessment of flood mitigation options

Contact Environment & Development Engineering

Cassie Schembri
Environment & Development Engineering
Planning​, Building and Growth Management
2 Wellington St W, Brampton

Conta​ct Us
