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Trees on City Property

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​​​​​​The City of Brampton's Urban Forestry team is responsible for the planting, maintaining, and removing trees on public property. This includes trees in Brampton's parks, open spaces, and boulevards/street trees.

Tree Removal

To protect the health and safety of the environment and community, hazardous trees on public property must be removed. The City only removes trees when they are dead, diseased, damaged beyond repair, interfering with City infrastructure, or if they are a problematic species. Once a tree is removed, the location is added to a tree planting list for the next calendar year. The replacement tree will be approximately 60 millimetres (mm) or 2.5 inches in diameter.

The removal of dead trees from City property is an ongoing project. All dead trees on City property have been inspected, temporarily pruned and made safe in the short term until they can be removed.​

Members of the public are ​ not permitted to injure or remove a tree on public property.

Tree Planting

The City plants trees every spring and fall, primarily to replace the ones that were removed the previous year. Replacement trees are approximately 60 millimetres (mm) or 2.5 inches in diameter, and are planted from April to July and from September to December, weather permitting.

Cut-off dates for the planting lists are December 31 of the current year.

​The City also plants tree to help achieve the target of one million new trees in Brampton by 2040 to grow the urban forest, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and foster the delivery of ecosystem services.​ Residents are encouraged to join the One Million Trees movement by planting trees on their private property and participating in tree planting events.​​​​​​

Trees in New Residential Neighbourhoods

In new residential subdivisions, street trees are planted by either the developer or the builder according to City-approved subdivision plans. Considerable effort goes into creating subdivision plans that offer the best placement and mixture of trees. Street trees are usually planted in new subdivisions shortly after the lots are sodded. Trees are usually not planted during the hot and dry months of July and August.

The condition of each tree remains the responsibility of the developer or builder until the subdivision has been taken over (assumed) by the City. Assumption usually occurs within four to six years after the registration of the subdivision or when the City is satisfied that the developer’s obligations have been fulfilled. If a tree dies before the subdivision is assumed, it will be replaced by the developer or builder. After the subdivision is assumed, the City will replace the tree.

Most Common Residential Trees Planted By the City:

  • Red Oak
  • Chantecleer Pear
  • Little Leaf Linden
  • Shademaster Locust
  • Sugar Maple
  • Red M​aple
  • Japanese Lilac​

If you have questions regarding trees in a newly constructed neighbourhood with regard to new street trees, contact the Planning & Development Services department.

Contact Brampton Urban Forestry