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Upper Nine Pond Retrofit

​​​​​​​Project Overview

Upper Nine Pond was originally constructed in 1984 to ​service the surrounding residential neighbourhood to provide flood detention during large storm events. The City’s first stormwater retrofit project at Upper Nine Pond was prioritized through the Stormwater Retrofit Study​ in 2015.

The retrofit project was promoted through the City’s County Court Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan​ as a key project for the neighbourhood. The project was ultimately constructed in 2020 with a total of cost of approximately $2 Million dollars.

The new stormwater pond is now a welcomed amenity for the community and provides a permanent water feature that capture pollution before releasing clean water into the natural environment. The project also included 400 m of walking trails, 3 lookouts, 160 trees, 500 shrubs, a small habitat wetland, passive recreational spaces, set-up for a future rainwater harvesting system, and improvements to the old storm sewer outfalls.

Contact Environment and Development Engineering

Planning, Building and Growth Management
2 Wellington St W, Brampton​