Project Overview
The Williams Parkway Redesign is focused on delivering a complete street experience for residents. This means the design and operation of our streets will provide for the needs of users of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit users, and drivers.
Signal timings will be adjusted in real-time to increase green times where needed and thus reducing the overall congestion on Williams Parkway. The system will be designed to enhanced transit signal priority and will aim to prioritize vulnerable road users to improve mobility for all road users.
The goal for the Williams Parkway redesign is to provide streets for people – a safe and comfortable street experience that provides options for multiple modes of transportation with environmentally friendly features such as trees and enhanced landscaping.
Redesign of Williams Parkway includes the following:
- Four general purpose lanes
- Resurfacing of the existing road
- Center median planting
- Active Transportation Pedestrian Crosswalk
- Installation of a multi-use path on both sides of the road
- Enhanced streetscaping in the boulevards
- Enhanced storm water quality and quantity LID implementation
The detailed design of Williams Parkway improvements is completed. The contract has been awarded, the kick off meeting followed by construction are expected soon.
The City is coordinating the project with the Region of Peel’s watermain project along the corridor to minimize disturbance to road users.
City staff are working collaboratively with the Region of Peel staff and will provide project updates for the duration of the Project.
Design features: