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Williams Parkway from Dixie Rd to Torbram Rd


Project Map

Project Details

The City of Brampton has initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study for improvements to Williams Parkway from Dixie Road to Torbram Road. Technical studies will be completed to determine what improvements are needed for the Williams Parkway corridor, including evaluating capacity and active transportation needs, structural condition, potential safety and operational issues towards achieving Vision Zero, population/ employment growth and travel demand management.​

Documents, reports, and updates

​Study Commencement

Public Information Centre #1

  • TBD​​

Project Contacts

Caleb Blain. P.Eng.

Project Engineer
City of Brampton
WPOC, 1975 Williams Parkway
Brampton, ON L6S 6E5
Tel: 437 994 5145

Altaf Hussain, P.Eng. Consultant Project Manager

Parsons Inc.
1393 North Service Road
Oakville, ON L6S 6E5
Tel: 647 649 5023