Sand and debris are swept from City roads during the spring and summer to keep streets and sewers clean. This prevents materials from clogging the storm sewers, and provides a safe and clean driving surface.
During the Spring Sweeping Program; salt, sand, and debris accumulated over the winter season are swept from all City of Brampton streets. The Spring Sweeping program includes:
- All City-owned roads with a top coat of asphalt, including bridges, catch basins and gutters.
- Hard-surfaced boulevards and medians.
- Sidewalks and walkways plowed by the City during the winter.
- Parking lots at City of Brampton Recreation Centres and other City facilities.
- Country roads without curbs are flushed and/or swept as required.
The Summer Sweeping Program occurs from the end of the Spring Program to the Thanksgiving long weekend. Summer sweeping is broken down into three rounds:
Round 1
- Sweeping arterial roads and industrial roads
Round 2
- Sweeping arterial roads and industrial roads
- Sweeping collectors
- Sweeping Islands & Medians – Sweep & Flush
- Sweeping residential roads
Round 3
- Sweeping arterial roads and industrial roads
- Sweeping collectors